FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

That’s amazing. I have a question. How did your financial aid checklist look like? did you have all of the green checkmarks before you got the email?

When you say your financial aid info do you mean that your Estimated Family Contribution is now updated?

family contribution and COA is updated but I still don’t have green checks on the other page. just an exclamation mark at #3

I finished my FAFSA in November or December I believe for reference

wait yall i havent gotten an admission yet but my financial aid changed from “pending admission decision” in the final aid review section to “financial aid package available in April” does anyone else have that??

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no?? but that sounds like you def got in

Fingers crossed for you!

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I didn’t have all of my financial aid stuff completed so I only had one check mark, I’m not sure if it would be different if it was all turned in


mine just did that too

mine just switched to that this morning and then i got my acceptance email. yay


Hey guys I applied for fashion design fall 21 i heard theres a website from fit of recently admitted people?? Please lmk what website, and congrats to the people that got in!! Still waiting on mine…


I think it’s just a list of what to do after being admitted- not a detailed list of names of people who got in (if that’s what you meant?)

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im applied for FD as well, so stressed! hopefully we both get in

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Oohh okay thankyou, I understand

Yes :pray:t3::pray:t3: Hopefully

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let me know if any AMC majors got decisions!

hey guys! does anyone know how this looks for international applications? do we wait longer? thank you

Who applied to Fashion Design ?

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I did!


Oooo okaay!! Goodluck!! @cmilord02