FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

Hey! My portal just updated and I see the “Pay Your Tuition Deposit” link and I also now see an “Unofficial Student Transcript” link, but when I click it there isn’t a transcript there yet. I paid the tuition deposit right away just in case. When I applied in 2019 I didn’t see either of these things and I’ve heard it’s a really good sign you’re in but I’m still a bit afraid to get my hopes up seeing as I got rejected in 2019 and i really want to go to FIT. Should I call or email admissions about this change or just be patient for a bit longer? Do you know how long students had to wait after this change to get their acceptance letters?

Just wanted to update that I got my official welcome letter this morning! I honestly can’t believe it! My letter was dated for July 29 which was the day the “Pay Your Tuition Deposit” link popped up on MyFIT homepage under requirements. It seems to be the only definite sign that you are in besides receiving the letter/email itself. I didn’t apply until the end of May as a transfer student for Entrepreneurship BS. My fin aid wasn’t done and they didn’t receive my transcript until the beginning of July because of a system glitch. I didn’t think I had any chance of getting in. Don’t lose hope. Try again next semester! For reference my transfer GPA was a 3.87 and I feel that my essay was really good also. Hope to see you all there next year!


Yup actually there’s a discord group a if you wanna join here’s the link , Discord
Also I haven’t been accepted yet, still on the waitlist!! Congratulations to you though @matchafairy

My daughter is a raising senor. FIT Fashion Design is also her dream school. Would you mind get connected with us and give us some advices? We are in Los Angeles!

Hi Maggie, what questions or concerns do you have?

HI! Thanks for getting back to me.
Have your daughter attended Per-College? I plan to register her this summer. I am hoping they will help her with building up the portfolio.

No, she didn’t since we’re in the Midwest. She made various garments throughout high school so that part was pretty easy. Then she worked on her design portion of the portfolio the summer between junior and senior year. Fine tuned it in the fall before submission. She attended one virtual portfolio preview days to get opinions on her portfolio progress and received feedback. That was it. She also applied to the Presidential Scholar program and was accepted, which for well worth it for the housing guarantee, registration, and internship opps. Don’t forget to shine in the essay portion of the application, it’s the only way to differentiate yourself from everyone else. FIT application is unlike the typical college app where they have students fill out activities, awards, ACT/SAT scores, etc. You have the essay and portfolio, that’s it.

Thanks for the details.
Can I ask which virtual portfolio help she received? Is it a teacher or studio? We need one to give her opinion as well.
Do you mean FIT doesn’t require SAT/ACT, GPA and activities on the application firm? How about art award?