FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

I got rejected for fashion design. I submitted my portfolio couple minutes after the portfolio deadline Feb1, so I submitted feb 2. I think it was my fault tho because I didn’t complete my financial aid checklist on time, I submitted documents way too late.

Is anyone still waiting on transfer decisions (especially for 1 year AAS programs)? I called two weeks ago and they mentioned they were running a bit behind

I am thinking of calling FIT this week. Has anyone heard from admissions lately? My offer for my 2nd choice expires on June 1st and I know that they will be sending waitlist decisions latest July 1st. I will be accepting to my other school, but I have filled out the form to stay on the waitlist and sent them a letter a few weeks ago about achievements since my applications… but their responses seem to be automatic and short.

My guidance counsellor send updated transcripts electronically to their email a few weeks ago as well, and he will be sending new marks this week. When I called FIT, one person said I had to send them through WES again and another person told me it was fine to send it to their email. I am going to call admissions to make sure this was okay, because I definitely don’t want them missing anything.

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Hey guys!! I have a question about the dorm rooms.
Does anybody know how many people are allowed to share the single bedroom in shared apartment in the alumni hall?

Just got an email saying I was waitlisted for FD!

Hey! Any one got off the waitlist from FD?

Any one have any idea how many students get off the waitlist usually in FD (from previous years record either)?

hey yall, i got waitlisted on march 30th for FD (i’m also freshmen advanced standing) and i’m still waiting unfortunately. a week after i got my decision, i sent admissions a couple emails and i made a whole new portfolio to show them my latest achievements and designs since applying in December. i even sent them letter of recommendations (one from my fashion design teacher who graduated from FIT). so i think i have a pretty good chance of getting in but it’s still driving me crazy that i haven’t heard anything from admissions.

has anyone (who was waitlisted) heard back from FIT yet? im so anxious about it and i would love to hear if someone else in the same boat as me

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Hey did any one heard back from waitlist this June? FD, FBM, AMC, CD any one!
Please share your answers, it will be helpful for everyone!

I joined FIT facebooks group and I’ve seen a couple of people get off recently, so we should get our decisions any day now!

which FIT facebook group ??

Can you please share the link of that Facebook group dear?

yeah sure. there’s 2 that i joined

Anyone attending FIT Korea in the Fall 2021??? Please let me know guys I need friends

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Did you hear back from the waitlist?

I haven’t heard back yet!

Me too! I called on Tuesday and they said the end of the week and I’m still waiting. What major did you apply for? I’m waiting on menswear

Did anyone hear back? I got an email stating I most likely will not be off the waitlist. It is frustrating because I was accepted for the Fall 2020 class. I deferred my acceptance for last year because of the pandemic and to save money by taking the gen-ed requirements at my local community college in Florida. I am pretty devastated with now having to go to my local community college for another semester and to redo the application process.

I am looking at taking non degree classes with the hopes it will help my chances for the spring. Is anyone considering taking non degree classes?

I am AMC AA Degree seeking

I’m still waiting :frowning: I called admissions and they told me to wait till the semester starts to see if there’s openings which sucks. I was thinking about deferring if I get in but I didn’t know I have to apply again if I deferred. But I’m sorry about your situation. I have to go back to community college again and just reapply and wait sadly.

They granted you a deferral and then rescinded it? Was that because you enrolled in community college?