Fixing schedules - rant and help needed

<p>Okay so here's how it started. I had a perfectly planned out schedule - Chinese on all weekdays, 800 AM, perfect for me, an early riser. Then I had Chemistry MWF, and Japanese History Tuesday-Thursday. I had known that there was a Chinese for "Native and Heritage" speakers class, so I asked the professor if I should enroll for that one instead. </p>

<p>She misunderstood my email to mean that I spoke Chinese and not just that I am of Chinese ethnicity. </p>

<p>So I signed up for the other class, rebuilding my whole entire schedule, and dropping my Chem and History classes to make room for the every-day language class. </p>

<p>So I show up for Chinese 1NH, and as it turns out, everyone there is fluent in Chinese. Embarrassing. So I leave and now I have to rebuild my entire schedule, back to where it was before. It was perfect when I created it at orientation, I destroyed it to make room for a class that I am not even supposed to take, and now that I know that I'm not supposed to be in it, I now have to rebuild my entire schedule again. </p>

<p>Pretty much all the classes that I want are either full or closed. </p>

<p>So here's my question for all of you: </p>

<p>How can I go about rebuilding my schedule? If the classes are closed, should I just email the professors and explain my case? Will they even care if I tell them what the situation is? Why are there open spots in discussions but none in lectures?</p>

<p>Sounds like you should visit your school's office of academic advising and ask for help. While we could give you general advice, they can give you advice specific to your situation at your specific school.
That having been said, some professors would be receptive to your pleas; however, if you are at a large university taking freshmen classes where professors are dealing with hundreds of students ACTUALLY IN their classes, they will probably not want to be getting a lot of petition requests, so you should check into your school's instructor add policy and follow that.</p>