<p>Okay so here's how it started. I had a perfectly planned out schedule - Chinese on all weekdays, 800 AM, perfect for me, an early riser. Then I had Chemistry MWF, and Japanese History Tuesday-Thursday. I had known that there was a Chinese for "Native and Heritage" speakers class, so I asked the professor if I should enroll for that one instead. </p>
<p>She misunderstood my email to mean that I spoke Chinese and not just that I am of Chinese ethnicity. </p>
<p>So I signed up for the other class, rebuilding my whole entire schedule, and dropping my Chem and History classes to make room for the every-day language class. </p>
<p>So I show up for Chinese 1NH, and as it turns out, everyone there is fluent in Chinese. Embarrassing. So I leave and now I have to rebuild my entire schedule, back to where it was before. It was perfect when I created it at orientation, I destroyed it to make room for a class that I am not even supposed to take, and now that I know that I'm not supposed to be in it, I now have to rebuild my entire schedule again. </p>
<p>Pretty much all the classes that I want are either full or closed. </p>
<p>So here's my question for all of you: </p>
<p>How can I go about rebuilding my schedule? If the classes are closed, should I just email the professors and explain my case? Will they even care if I tell them what the situation is? Why are there open spots in discussions but none in lectures?</p>