For context, I’ll be working closely with an SAT tutor during the summer. I will be generally studying a lot for the August SAT (my 3rd and last test).
I feel that I may score well (goal is high 1300 to 1400’s) on my next SAT given the amount of serious prep I have been putting in and my increasing scores on practice tests. However, I received 1200 on my first SAT and 1130 on my 2nd SAT (no studying). Given these scores, will or could I be flagged if I significantly improve by August? If I reach my goal of high 1300’s to 1400’s, can my scores really be invalidated?
The possibility of score invalidation/being flagged terrifies me because I am relying on the August SAT score for college applications.
Any help would be appreciated.
If it is flagged, your test prep is easily explainable to the College Board due to your work with a tutor. I wouldn’t worry too much if I were you, the chances of it being flagged in the first place are fairly low unless you get a near perfect score this time around. Just focusing on knocking this test out. You got this!
@sunshine2019 I see, thank you very much 
Don;t worry about things that probably won’t happen. Wait to ask the question if it happens. And if it happens (which it won’t IMO), I agree with @sunshine2019
Very unlikely. Such score increases happen all the time. It is generally much larger score increases and other suspicious things that will cause flagging. Also, there is always an october test where you can prove your scores were legit. I believe every school will get an October score (I even believe most will get the november score for early apps).