<p>So I was told I can get a full ride from UF if I am recognized as a first generation college student. The thing is, am I considered one? On my FAFSA, I put that my mother completed high school but that my father's education was unknown. Am I still considered it even though my father's education is unknown? I believe that he only completely middle school, maybe not even that.</p>
<p>Personally, I’d call UF and find out for sure. I’d think that you would be eligible though, just my opinion</p>
<p>Is that really true? My S1, a junior in high school, would be the 1st generation to go to college in our family. My parents never did, me and my husband didn’t go to college. I think I have to make a phone call to UF. Thanks.</p>
<p>The family must earn under $40K per year. </p>
<p><a href=“http://www.uff.ufl.edu/scholarships/fos/[/url]”>http://www.uff.ufl.edu/scholarships/fos/</a></p>
<p>Obviously, the school isn’t going to be giving free rides to every First Gen because some students have families that make decent or high incomes.</p>
<p>mom2collegekids - I wish you had posted that yesterday. I just got off the phone with UF and they said the same thing. I don’t think we qualify due to the income. Oh well, as long as he goes to college that’s all that matters. What a great program though.</p>