<p>It says on the acceptance packet that we should submit the AED under four weeks after we recieve the student admitted packet. Is the acceptance packet the packet they are speaking about or do we get another packet? Also, should I do the deposit and housing forms as soon as possible or is it alright if I wait. Is my admission guranteed until May 1st?</p>
<p>In order to pick your housing preference, you must submit your AED. I would recommend you do that just you can have a better chance of getting the housing you want. Also, your AED is refundable till May 1st so you really have nothing to lose.</p>
<p>I got into Lyman Briggs so wouldn’t I automatically go to Holmes Hall regardless of anything else?</p>
<p>Yep, i got into James Madison and went ahead and paid the AED because they say four weeks, but you should be guaranteed housing if it’s a residential college</p>
<p>Honestly you have until May 1st to submit anything, even though they do say 4 weeks. I chose to submit my AED early cuz there are full refunds before May 1 and it was already a definite possibility. Housing availability is pretty good at MSU as far as I know so even if you submit your forms at the last minute I don’t think there will be any problem with living in dorms. </p>
<p>If you are in a residential college you are essentially “guaranteed” housing placement within the residential college. It doesn’t matter if you request otherwise. i.e. james madison=case hall, lyman briggs=holmes, RCAH=snyder-philips. However I did remember hearing that lyman briggs was so big this year that there was some spillover students to akers (or something?)</p>