<p>I'm kinda slapping myself in the face about this one.</p>
<p>But on my recommendations, I had them folded up and put in regular mailing envelopes. I know that I read it (and even attached post-its for my teachers asking them not to fold), but when it came time to mail everything in, I looked all over for where it said something about folding and couldn't find it. So I folded the recommendations and put them into smaller envelopes.</p>
<p>Is this going to be a big deal? I feel really stupid about this one.</p>
<p>Yeah...one of the recommendations I was going to send (from US Congressman I interned with, also Columbia grad school alum), said something like "David pays attention to details..." I feel like such an idiot. I probably wouldn't get in anyways, but this probably reduces whatever chance I have.</p>
<p>I believe one of my recmendation was folded when I sent it. because the teacher sent if off himself so I didn't have the chance to remind him. I reminded my councelor and the other teacher tough.</p>
<p>Dude, NOBODY cares. The work-study student opening your application just scans them into the computer. Don't fool yourself into thinking this has any weight.</p>