
<p>My PE Teacher was wondering if there was any kind of followup after the CFA assessment.
He's taking leave soon and was wondering if his part was done.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if they'll need to talk to him for verification or anymore information after he submits my scores?</p>


<p>His part should be done unless there was something unusual with the results. If you did poorly for example and USMA is interested in you, Admissions might authorize you to take another CFA.</p>

<p>No, I don’t believe admissions will want to speak to your PE Teacher. He verifies that the scores are accurate when he submits them - that is why the coach has to submit the scores and not the candidate.<br>
Have you checked your candidate login site to see if admissions has have received your CFA scores?<br>
Good luck!</p>

<p>they shouldnt contact him unless your scores are too good to be true, or bad enough they are holding you back from a nomination. what were your scores?</p>

<p>MY SCORES:</p>

<p>Throw - 66
Pullup - 6
Pushup - 52
Situp - 71
Run - 6:53
Shuttle - 8.7</p>

<p>I called my regional officer and he said I passed!</p>


<p>Congratulations! :)</p>