Food Reviews?

<p>Okay, now the serious stuff... I thought it might be a fun and worthwhile thread if any current students could pass on "must go"
restaurant/cafe/sandwich shop recommendations and food reviews for incoming students (apart from the delicious choices UW offers of course).
I know my own son will appreciate any great food advise as much as I will appreciate getting a break from feeding him 6+ times a day next year!</p>

<p>I am not a current student but I have visited and am going next year... I highly recommend the mac and cheese pizza at Ian's pizza!</p>

<p>By all means, let's not limit it to current students! Anyone with personal favorites, feel free to jump in and share them. </p>

<p>Volleysnap, is Ian's on State Street?</p>

<p>yup, i think it is in the last block before you hit the capital</p>

<p>When your son checks into his dorm be sure he gets a free copy of the Isthmus Annual Manual, should be copies in the lobby. All of the Madison restaurants are listed with all sorts of info about them and everything else. Also, the dorm food is excellent, and includes delivery for pizza and subs.</p>

<p>I'm not a student, but I've worked on campus for 15 years and have plenty of opportunities to eat at area restaurants. Just abocut everything on State Street is pretty good to fantastic. My latest personal favs are Husnus (Middle Eastern food), Five Guys (great and cheap burgers adn fries), Wasabi (sushi), and Pelmeni (Russian dumplings). For the last month the lunch carts are out on Library Mall. My co-workers and I love to grab something from the carts and sit on the Terrace for lunch. My favorite cart is the Indonesian one. New carts this year are a Japanese hibachi cart, a Chicago Italian steak cart adn The Last Stanley (eclectic international food).</p>

<p>Wow...these all sound great. I did eat at Wasabi a few years back and really liked it, too. My son is going to school next year in great physical condition. Haha... I can already see what one of his challenges will be! He will seriously be in hog heaven with all these food choices. I'm excited for him. ....oh...and then there's academics of course! ;)</p>

<p>Parthenon's on state street has really good gyros</p>

<p>I'm not a student there yet but while I was visiting Madison we went to Porta-bellas and it was wonderful....though...expensive...but tasty....but oh so expensive...but oh so wonderful but oh so unfordable to a college student...</p>