
<p>How's the food in the dining halls? Are there decent restaurants around WL? btw - I signed up for the 15 meal plan, will that be enough?</p>

<p>i ended up changing it to 10 meals/week. honestly 15 meals/week was too much for me. the food is all right, if your inventive enough to change up what you eat everyday.</p>

<p>Son and I have eaten on campus three times now in two different places. The food was very good (compared to many colleges we visited.) Seemed to be a big choice, etc. My son is EXTREMELY picky and he has found something every time. He signed up for the 15 meal plan but then thought that would be too much. But then I read where certain days of the week at certain places for two meal swipes you can get steak and so he kept it at 15. As for WL? Sorry, can't help there.</p>

<p>What is WL? At Day on Campus we ate at Hilldebrand which was very good and had lots of choices. I wonder if all dining halls serve the same menu or if they are different each day. My S chose the 15 meal plan, too.</p>

<p>WL is West Lafayette and I can't say I've seen much of it as we are always just on campus. Here is an interesting link about the food: <a href=""&gt;;/a> shows you what is available where. Maybe it will help answer some questions. :)</p>

<p>Boomer, there is an area on State Street called Chauncey Hill, that has some fast food restaurants as well as a dime/dollar-type store and such. We stopped at the Taco Bell there and it is in a little strip center just across from campus, and I saw a Chinese or Thai food place and a Mexican restaurant if I remember correctly. I remember being impressed with the little dollar store because they sold HUGE soft drinks for 59 cents. There is also a MacDonald's over on Northwestern near the engineering mall/stadium (pull up the campus map). Seems like there was a pizza place over on State with the Taco Bell. Maybe some current students can tell you exactly where it is.</p>

<p>Tookie, you made me think of a place my son's friend mentioned because son was interested in Subway. Purdue West Shopping Plaza is very near McCutch. Harrison, Hilltop and Earhart. They have for food there (if you want off campus stuff: McDonald's Baskin-Robbins, a supermarket, Papa John's pizza, Veno's Bar and Grill, Pizza Hut and of course the Subway place my son was seeking out. Purdue West Shopping Center is about a 5 minute walk from the above mentioned residences.</p>

<p>What kinds of foods do students eat in their dorms? I always hear about them living on ramen noodles, but how do they fix them? In a microwave? In what kind of bowl in microwave? And where do the get water, the bathroom? Also, does anyone know where to get good deals on dorm fridges? Most of the ones I have found are 4.3 cubic ft. and the rules say they need to be less that 4. Will anyone actually say anything if I have one that is 4.3? Thanks for all the help.</p>

<p>I got my son a couple of Pampered Chef microwavable cookers and he's learned how to make Easy Mac in them. Other than that, I don't know. I'm going to buy bottled water for my son when we get there. I'm also interested in knowing what else they cook - popcorn, maybe?</p>

<p>First, I've read in two seperate places conflicting statements about whether Earhart dorms can have a microwave, I hope they can. </p>

<p>Sons have made canned soups, mac-n-cheese and yes, microwave popcorn. Little ravioli cans (the microwave kind), boil water for instant oatmeal, can't think of what else right now. Some kids do fine without a microwave others can't do without.</p>

<p>One son used water from the drinking fountain across the hall, the other uses filtered water from one of those Brita containers. They don't take everything out but I guess help a little. I purchase those little tupperware type containers in different sizes for food and microwave use. When they wear out the cheap ones can be tossed. But then you also have to remember dish detergent and a sponge.</p>

<p>One son got his frig at Target. I remember it was a good deal price wise but to tell you the truth, I have no idea how many cubic feet it is. Youngest son was hoping to take it to Earhart.</p>

<p>The kids also loved bagged snacks, bread, jelly and pb for sandwiches, poptarts, pop, juice, etc. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. The bottled water is nice and handy to carry to class.</p>