Football Tickets

<p>Have any of you recieved football ticket info yet?</p>

<p>I haven't and am wondering the same said we'd hear in May.</p>

<p>yeah, that's why i was wondering.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> says new student ticket sales are from June 5-27. I think you might have to register an account or something like that. No rush, since seating priority isn't based on when you get it in, as far as I know. You might want to wait until after orientation (assuming it's early enough) to find people to do a seating group with.</p>

<p>Good my tickets ordered.</p>

<p>another question: say you want to go to a game with your friends. Is it easy to arrange that? I mean, do people really care where you sit once you get in?</p>

<p>Usually it's not a problem if you want to sit with your friends.</p>

<p>You can make a group and buy tickets together with the group.</p>

<p>yeah, but i really dont know anybody there yet. i don't know who my friends are gonna be. So, i really can't create a group right now...</p>

<p>Yeah, I joined a seating group last year with people I met at orientation in early June...never really talked to those people ever again.</p>

<p>By the way, I will be participating in the football frenzy, dilksy.</p>

<p>heh maguo they're playing @ PSU</p>

<p>yeah, i'm planning to go to that game. i have several friends at PSU. Are there like fan buses or something for away games? Or can you just hop on a greyhound pretty easily?</p>

<p>Alright, is there any way I can manage who is in my seating group now? It looks like it's going to have about 20 people.</p>

<p>I think the way seating groups work is one person creates the name for the group and a password, and then issues the password to whoever wants to join the group, and they enter that info when they order tickets. So you really can't do anything to manage it, other than telling everybody what the group/password is.</p>

<p>Is it true that groups get better seating?</p>

<p>I haven't heard that much either way. I joined a seating group and ended up being stuck in the bastard student section on the opposite side of the stadium from everybody else.</p>

<p>are there buses to the notre dame game and other away games?</p>

<p>I can't remember if they didn't exist or just cost more than I was willing to pay. Pretty sure they just didn't exist. I know they had reasonably priced ones for certain key away hockey games, but I'm not sure if they'd be able to handle the demand for away football games. Generally the visiting team gets a very limited amount of tickets for away games. You'd have to drive yourself, and for tickets you might have to find alternate ways to get them.</p>


<p>AWAY GAMES: From Monday, April 3 until Thursday, April 6, student season ticket holders may apply for away game tickets by presenting their student ID and payment. A $7 service charge will be added to each order.
GAME Price per<br>
ticket LIMIT
Notre Dame $59 1+1 Partner (if partner season ticket is held)
Minnesota $50 No limit
Penn State $55 1+1 Partner (if partner season ticket is held)
Indiana $47 No limit
Ohio State $59 1+1 Partner (if partner season ticket is held)</p>

<p>If the number of applications received exceeds ticket availability, a lottery will be held with results available June 16th. These tickets must be picked up in person by the student applicant in the fall at the Ticket Office. Students not registered by September 8th will automatically be refunded for away game ticket orders.</p>