<p>Hello! </p>
<p>For molecular biology to UCLA from De Anza, the requirement is only Bio 6A, 6B and 6C.</p>
<p>I took most of my courses at De Anza, but im taking Bio 1A at Foothill. The problem is, Foothill requires a fourth biology class (Bio 1D) to transfer to UCLA. Do I have to take the fourth class?</p>
<p>Oh and also, If i start the Bio sequence at Foothill, Do I have to finish it at foothill?</p>
<p>thanks anyone who replies!</p>
<p>you’re welcome. :]</p>
<p>i think someone made the argument that it does matter because at De Anza, 6C encompasses two Bio classes in one. But then again, I might have interpreted it wrong. At my CC, we have a major prereq that is two-part so it encompasses two levels while at the other cc in the district, the classes are separated. Of course my counselor noted that if I take the separate ones, i have to take both and not one.</p>
<p>yay thanks for your reply! </p>
<p>Oh and also, If i start the Bio sequence at Foothill, Do I have to finish it at foothill?</p>