For 10s4life. . . What is it like having to take online courses for remaining year?

@10s4life . . . How is onlline instruction? Is it smooth, without problems? What is the university doing about labs? Just in case online courses have to extend from beyond sping quarter…

Thanks for your responses in advance.

@firmament2x youve experienced online classes too right? I forgot if you’re an admitted or current student. I thought it’s been fine. Most of my classes transitioned pretty smoothly week 10 and online finals were less stressful than in person ones. I think spring quarter should be ok. Lab classes I think are jus postponed for now. I finished any kind of lab class a while ago. The main pro is I can watch lectures from bed now without worrying about being late or waking. What do you think so far?

@10s4life . . . neither, I’m a graduate, and I’ve never taken an online course in my life, although I will do so in the future. I’m asking for the others, because online may have to extend out at least through the summer.

Thanks, glad to read that it’s been a smooth transition. I think the University can employ streamed videos into dorms for some courses, which would ease the walk from dorms to classes. Besides, the future of college education does point significantly to online ones. :slight_smile:

@10s4life I was going to ask you about lab classes in spring. My son’s finals were good, I thought it was a stressful process. He had a couple of them that were optional. I was worried about his physics class with Corbin but he did well. Hope everything is all good on your end.

@gzza73 Is your son taking his ee labs yet or physics lab? Physics lab is now done with an arduino so technically you can do the experiments at home I think. For ee labs it’s done with something called a mydaq. Those were always done at home to begin with. The circuit board attaches to the laptop for data aquisition. Chem lab is the tough one to replicate.