<p><a href="http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/som/students/academics/catalog/mcat07_08/MCAT11b.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/som/students/academics/catalog/mcat07_08/MCAT11b.pdf</a></p>
<p>A lot of people who support and boost other schools would love to tell you that their schools (like Duke, Cornell, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, etc) can get more students into Hopkins Med than JHU itself because JHU is so "cutthroat" or "impossible-to-do-well-in." However, the above data from the Hopkins Medical School should dispel any and all of those rumors.
Of the limited spots for Medical Doctorate Students, Johns Hopkins Undergrads succeed in a whopping 62 number of spots. The closest competitor is Yale with 43 and Harvard with 40. Princeton, lags at 8. Brown with 9, Duke with 11, etc. If you count the other Hopkins affiliated schools with success with MD, you get 78 Hopkins affiliated students IN at Hopkins Med. No qualms here, future blue-jayers, Johns Hopkins Medical School is plenty incestuous in a very positive way for you! ;)</p>
<p>These numbers are also reflected in the MS/PhD pool where Hopkins scores with 43. </p>
<p>So yes, boys and girls of ____________university or college, your school may be good, but it doesn't get as many boys or girls into one of the Top medical schools in the country as Johns Hopkins Medical School. You can argue about Hopkins' environment from all the rumors you hear till the end of days, but Hopkins is truly a worthy and amazing Pre-Medical Institution worthy of its prestige and reputation :D</p>
<p>Your numbers actually make it look like JHU Med favors Yale.</p>
<p>[FACTS</a> Table 2-6. Undergraduate Institutions Supplying 35 or More Asian Applicants to U.S. Medical Schools](<a href=“http://www.aamc.org/data/facts/2008/masian08.htm]FACTS”>http://www.aamc.org/data/facts/2008/masian08.htm)</p>
<p>Look at the total applicants of the institution column. JHU produced 352 medical school applicants last year, Harvard 300, Yale 227. Assuming these numbers stay constant from year to year, we can estimate the total number of applicants over 4 years: 1408, 1200, 908. </p>
<p>62/1408= roughly 4.4% of JHU applicants are now at JHU Med
43/908= roughly 4.7% of Yale applicants are now at JHU Med
40/1200= roughly 3.3% of Harvard applicants are now at JHU Med</p>
<p>So if you take into consideration the number of premeds each school actually produces each year, it would seem that Yale students have the best chance of getting in. As for Harvard students–they have a pretty good medical school of their own.</p>
<p>Keep in mind too that not every single Hopkins student applies to Hopkins med, just as the same goes for Yallies and Harvard-ers. </p>
<p>I think last year, only around 40-50 applied to Hopkins Med, and the number varies every year.</p>
<p>On that same note, I would like to see numbers from Yale Medical Schools and Harvard Medical Schools. Overall, I think these three schools are the best undergrad places for pre-med.</p>
<p>Very interesting stuff there HopetogetRice…
Nice find.</p>