For ED Online Notification, the 13th or 15th?

<p>The site says notification is the 15th, but does that mean that you receive your decision in the mail on that date or is that the date you can view the decision online? Thanks</p>

<p>Tenacious, you can never view your decision online, you have to receive it in the mail only. Btw Im wondering about receiving the letter of notification as well</p>

<p>I'm wondering this as well...I'd imagine they are sent out the 10th. If they were sent out the 15th it would leave a lot of people uncertain about filling out other college apps.</p>

<p>id assume the 15th is when we get them. it says on the website "notification date december 15th" so you might get the letter a day or two before or after that</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>How do you know that we can't view them online, Farb? I know some other schools like Cornell....and Cornell do it.</p>

<p>Many schools do online notification (Cornell, Columbia, UNC, BU, etc), but Emory does NOT. You have to wait to get your letter in the mail. </p>

<p>PS: When mine came last year, it was in a white 9x7ish envelope. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>