For freshman, take organic chem or analytical?

<p>I just completed chem 109 (freshman) and did pretty well, and I signed up to take orgo (chem 343) this spring. I was hoping to get professor bowman or gellman, who are known to be excellent profs by students, but I did not get either. In fact, both profs who are teaching orgo this semester have average or below average reviews and comments on ratemyprof (I know I know, take that site with a grain of salt, but still). </p>

<p>I want a good prof for a class like orgo, and don't want a bad prof to compound the difficulty of the class. I could also take analytical chemistry instad , but can only take the honors version 329, instead of non honors 327 due to schedule conflicts. Yet the profs for 329 are not great either. Thus, I am having difficulty deciding which class to take, and hope for some insight from you guys. </p>


<p>What is your major (or pre-health intention)?</p>

<p>If you have a pre-med or pre-pharmacy intention, for example, OChem 343, 344 and 345 are necessary, but analytical chemistry is not.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Wisconsin Madison | Center for Pre-Health Advising](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Sorry, I forgot to mention my intended major right now is Biochemistry with premed track, so I would need to take achem</p>

<p>Discuss with your advisor. Given there are no stellar Chem profs for either course it might be easier to take Analytical now and then take all of your Organic next year without a summer break between courses. Figure out the content of the Honors analytical- it could be more fun than the regular version. The course listing looks the same. Those who take 115 will likely take 116 to include their analytical material so you won’t have those students as competition.</p>

<p>Eons ago analytical was covered in the 115-116 sequence (and still is per the course listing) and therefore as a Chemistry major I took it as a freshman. It is an isolated course, fitting to get it just after general chemistry where you will have covered some of the same concepts. Easier flow with two semesters of organic lecture next year.</p>

<p>I would stay in your Ochem class. Analytical chemistry isn’t on the MCAT while a lot of organic is.</p>

<p>From experience I have found the chemistry department at this school to be very good. So having a “below average” teacher is probably still going to be pretty decent.</p>

<p>Agree that UW is top notch in Chemistry. Still get my annual Badger Chemist and UW is well known for chemical education- they do precollege as well as undergrad education things (who knew there was a formal field in this?). It would be better to take the organic closer to the MCAT and biochemistry courses as well- it will be fresher. An excellent department doesn’t mean an excellent teacher- head of theoretical chemistry something or other back in my day was horrible. However- definitely do not consider the ratings scientific- hundreds of students will have the professors- most won’t bother to rate them online. Talk to students instead. And realize you can learn the material despite the professor.</p>

<p>Repeat- discuss with your advisor.</p>