For going into the medical field?

<p>I am interested in going into the medical field, and im debating between UCSC and UCR. For both my major is Biology. I’ve heard UCR is the better premed school but also UCSC is supposed to be the better school overall academically. </p>

<p>The two hanging points for me is the Health Sciences program at UCSC, which is supposed to be especially for students interested in entering the medical field. <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>On the otherhand I have UCR which has its Thomas Haider Program, which lets you do your undergraduate for two years then after you apply to the program which only accepts 24 students every year, then you go onto UCLA for the next two years, allowing you a chance at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The thing with this option is, what if I don’t end up being one of the 24 students accepted. It really is an amazing opportunity. <a href=“[/url]”>The Thomas Haider Program at the UCR School of Medicine | School of Medicine Student Affairs</a></p>

<p>On the otherhand I have UCR which has its Thomas Haider Program, which lets you do your undergraduate for two years then after you apply to the program which only accepts 24 students every year, then you go onto UCLA for the next two years, allowing you a chance at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.</p>

<p>it actualy all your undergrad and the first TWO year of med school at UCR</p>

<p>i’ve heard ucr’s medical program exceeds cal and ucla </p>

<p>on one of these forums here…</p>

<p>haha it one of the best but it doesnt. it has a partnership with UCLA though</p>

<p>so how many years before (hopefully) UCLA? hehe.</p>

<p>join their selective program (pre med? i believe)</p>

<p>and after 2 years if you’re one of the top, you’ll transfer to ucla med hospital? school?</p>

<p>“so how many years before (hopefully) UCLA? hehe.”</p>

<p>6 years 4 undergrad two med in UCR then on to UCLA</p>