For those of you who have been accepted...

<p>For those of you who have been accepted/received LOAs, do you have any idea of how long it took for you to hear back after you completed your application?
My application went before the Admissions Board at the end of September, about two months ago. I am attempting to remain patient, but that's certainly easier said than done!</p>

<p>I heard back about a month after i had submitted everything. Just call your Regional Director, and they will tell you if they have submitted your case to the board yet. Chances are, if everything has been submitted, they have since USNA has a rolling application process. Have patience though, only about 30% of applicants receive LOAs, the rest usually hear around April..Good Luck though!</p>

<p>Well heard back is a vague idea in this process. You can "hear back" about many things ...failed PT, med problems, waiting for grades, invites to CVWs, LOAs, appointments, nominations, scholastically Qed, and more. And one major variable over which you have so little insight is the nomination process among your Senators, MOC. And even then, outcomes can depend upon when fellow nominees complete their packages. As imanspeedy suggests, patience is a virtue and valuable in this process, especially if you're not receiving negative news. Truly in that regard, no news IS good news. Hang in, good luck.</p>

<p>About three weeks ago, I called my RD to ask about CVW, and at the end of our conversation she went over my application with me. She noted that all I was missing was a personal statement and jokingly said that if I don't submit it within two days my application will no longer be given a consideration. I had to stay up all night revising the stupid thing so that I would meet the imaginary deadline, and odly enough I received a notice that I was found qualified to compete for admission. Within two weeks!</p>

<p>Hope this helps, and good luck to you!</p>

<p>Sons package was complete end of August - It had been submitted first of August however had to wait on one letter of reference that was late going out of his school. BGO interview was just before school started in August. DODBMER physical was Tuesday after Labor day, LOA was dated October 14. MOC interviews were Nov 4/5 (Both Senators) and November 12 (Congressman) 1st Nomination received from Senator on November 17, and second Nomination received on November 21. Call from one Senator (to son at school) the following 22nd informing him of his appointment, second call from Congressman the week after Thanksgiving. The letter accompanying the Appointment Certificate was dated December 4th. Once the ball moved it did so rather quickly.</p>

<p>I had my application completed with dodmerb and cfa by august 15th and still havent hear so it kinda varies depending on allot of things</p>

<p>the two things that put me on the slow track is one my state doesnt do nominations till christmas so theres no hurry there and two i am a recruit athlete so it is being held up for the coach to write a letter of reccomendation and determine if he wants me and if so how badly he wants me to come there</p>

<p>My twins went to first session Summer Seminar, finished application by June 15th, BGO interview June 21, coaches called July 15, nomination July 25, LOA July 28 and appointments came FedEx October 1.</p>

<p>Went very quick, but each case is different, They are recruited athletes and did well at Summer Seminar. One will accept, the other is getting recruited by big schools but will likely accept.</p>

<p>My son had everything completed by 10 October. This included the CFA, BGO interview, all the application paperwork in, two noms received, and qualified medically per DODMERB. He received his appointment in the mail on the 31st of October.<br>
I agree with gabridge....each case is different, so just be patient, and like Whistle Pig wrote, "No news IS good news."</p>

Congratulations!! Did your son have an LOA? Is he a recruited athlete?</p>

<p>Thank you baltimore57. No, he did not have an LOA nor is he a recruited athlete. He simply completed the application process.</p>

Do you mind sharing some of his basic stats? We are trying to get our hands around the kind of things sparking the LOAs and early appointments.

<p>A LOA is a crazy thing. The where and whyfore for a LOA is something only known by Admissions. Got one and also got a DQ one week later. No rhyme or reason.</p>

<p>Whistle pig: I received an LOA - to be more specific: class of 12' if everything works outt.</p>

<p>Good deal! Don’t you mean '13? Congrats, good luck, go get 'em!! </p>

<p>GO GOATS! Whoop da mules!</p>

<p>baltimore57–Here’s the Reader’s Digest version of his stats:
GPA 3.8, 2000+ SAT, 3 Varsity Sports/Letters, JROTC CO, SGA Officer, Boys State Senator, multiple academic awards, and 300+ volunteer hours.
He also did very well on his CFA and was medically qualified in early September.</p>

our son’s stats are very similar…to include Boys State…I think he was the party chair. He has one varsity sport, but it is year round and he has lettered all 4 years…also the captain this year. SGA all 4 years and Treas, then Pres of his class (600 students) SATs look similar…750 math…35 math on ACT (34 overall)…volunteer hours, and academic awards the same (6 AP classes)…he has not been in JROTC…but he is an accomplished pianist and has competed at the many levels. Solid CFA at NASS and Q’d DoDMERB in July.
We are keeping our fingers crossed!!</p>

<p>If your young man has no closeted skeletons slam dunkeroo…or about as close as it gets. Being in Baltimore prbly means lots of competition, but with the mix and notably ACTs outta the ceiling and 6 AP classes…I’d say pack his bag …NOT. I Day will bring literally everything he needs. Good luck, let us know the good news. Whatta kid! :cool: Is he allergic to kryptonite??? :eek: People like you are easy to hate. ;)</p>

<p>WP…Thanks for the encouragement…the waiting has been really hard on him and us!! When he went to CVW, so many of the kids had LOAs, and it was very discouraging…we can’t figure out how good you have to be to have gotten one. His entire application was finished by mid June, before he went to NASS. He was hoping to hear something early. Oh well…& he actually is just a normal teenager…just stays busy! (We don’t live in baltimore…it just has special meaning!)
We’ll keep you posted.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses, I appreciate all the feedback.
I suppose all there is to do is remain patient, keep those grades up, and get in the best shape I possibly can.
Congratulations to everyone who has received an appointment, and to those of you who are in my boat and still waiting on news, best of luck. I hope to see everyone on I-Day!</p>