For those that have taken the Math lvl 2 subject test....

<p>What questions were you surprised to see on it? Which topics did you see on the test that weren't properly covered by your test prep book?</p>

<p>Hm, I remember, statistics had few tough questions e.g standard deviation and all.</p>

<p>I took it last year in June so I don’t remember much</p>

<p>But yeah there was a question on stand deviation…you can do it on your TI-83/84 though (didn’t know that at the time haha)</p>

<p>Umm vectors showed up …it was covered in barrons but I just didn’t look at much</p>

<p>Conic sections…but you just need to know the basic equations</p>

<p>There was 2-3 on probability…didnt think there would be that many</p>

<p>And there was a lot of trig. More than I expected. And more solid geometry/geometry in general than I thought.</p>

<p>But I think everything is covered in Barrons.</p>

<p>There was interest formulas which i stupidly forgot</p>