My D has started looking for a college in the northeast and wants to become a high school English teacher. We’ve been trying to find information on the best education major programs for schools in this area and we noticed that Fordham has a 5 year teaching program that sounds fantastic and you graduate with your Masters in Science in Teaching. However, when we do Google searches to find lists of the schools in the northeast with the best education major programs, Fordham is never on the lists! Does anyone have any insight into this program AND do you have any other suggestions for schools that might offer a similar program or overall fantastic major in education. Thanks in advance!!
I would think Fordham would be pretty pricey for someone who wants to teach - unless you can pay it outright. TCNJ is probably the best teacher’s college in the NE, probably near the top in the country. Out of state would probably be about $35k or so? Most of the state universities will have good education programs. A rule of thumb is to attend school near where you want to teach. If she goes out of state, make sure she looks at reciprocity with the state she plans to teach in. The requirements will vary widely by state.
Wow great advice - thank you!!! I’ll have her look into TCNJ!