Fordham University Early Action Decisions Fall 2023

Huge congrats! May I ask what her stats are or other ways she stands out? Did she receive one of the full tuition awards? Thanks!

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My daughter is a NMSF with 4.0 non weighted GPA. She did receive the Recognition award of full tuition. We don’t know much about the honors program, but it sounds very small and selective.


Same here - accepted, but no scholarship for NMSF (yet).


Received this email today so looks like the full financial aid package should be available after 1/18 and this could include merit for EA candidates. We completed our FAFSA & CSS around 10/15.

We are delighted to report that we are in receipt of your financial aid application(s).

We will begin sending financial aid offers (which may include merit and/or need-based financial aid) to our Early Action students beginning January 18, and continuing on a rolling basis through early February.

If you are a first time user, you will need to claim your Fordham Username

We believe a Fordham education will be an investment in your future, and we strive to provide applicants with financial assistance to make Fordham a reality. We look forward to working with you and wish you success in the college search process.

If you have any questions, our staff can be reached at


Calvin Brian Ghanoo


Hello, yes, same here.

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My S25 received the full tuition Hispanic NMSF and then was upgraded to the Cuniffe. I was reading through some of your other posts and our kids have/had similar stats. Mine also received the Pitt Chancellors and the Dupont from Udel both which he had to compete for. He was also accepted to Penn, Columbia and Yale which is where he is now. Your student sounds amazing and will end up in a great school. Good luck.


I know this has been asked , but has any one received an invitation to the Rose Hill campus Honors program yet?

We have not received it.

My son doesn’t want to be in a party school. He’s also Catholic. He is thinking of Fordham. Since your son goes there, any thoughts?

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For kids who don’t want a party school, I think either campus of Fordham would be a good fit. There is very little partying in the dorms, so kids who want to avoid it can. Kids can still find partying if they want it (in bars on Authur Ave at RH campus, at off-campus apartments at LC) but they have to seek it out.

Fordham can be a nice fit for both Catholic and non-Catholic students. My own kid is not Catholic, and fits right in. But there are also Catholic religious activities and service organizations etc on campus for kids who are Catholic and want that. I have heard that both campuses have these opportunities, but a greater number and variety at Rose Hill than at LC.

Fordham also has a freshman wellness dorm (Queens Court) which was great for my S. Manhattan provides other diversions. Still, plenty of kids do go to the Arthur Ave. bars as noted above.

If you would like to get more information on Fordham I suggest you start your own thread on that school’s page.


Financial Aid information will be available on a rolling basis for EA applicants beginning today and no later than February 3rd. Will there be an email to applicants when this is ready or will it just appear on the portal? Thanks.

I saw this on a Fordham thread Jan 2021 so hopefully the same process this year:

“There is an email with a link to a personalized PDF with 12 pages of info including financial aid offer”

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Also saw this on that thread that might give some of you hope:

From a poster named Karabu (March 2021)

Wanted to share happy news about my S. After he got accepted EA (OOS, Poli Sci at LC), he received a $30K/year scholarship, which still left Fordham a stretch. This week, he received the full-tuition scholarship as a NMF! We all feel elated, as it was his dream and his plan. Fordham is at the top of his list. He hasn’t heard from quite a few colleges, but I doubt they’ll match this deal. Yay!

Follow up from Karabu Oct. 2021 (someone asked for clarification)

First of all, he’s happily attending Fordham at LC! Enjoying classes, exploring the city, loves his new friends.

Fordham says they have their own selection process for the Merit scholarship, no additional materials needed. When my son got the acceptance letter, he did NOT receive this scholarship, but the $25-30k one and was very disappointed. A month or two later, he bécame a Finalist and at the same time he wrote a letter to Fordham arguing that he deserved the full tuition scholarship and how much he wanted to attend Fordham. We will never know the reason for the change, but he received the letter granting him the NMS scholarship after that.


I always teach my D, asking never hurts. If your intention is good, do not hesitate to ask for something in any situation. You will either get what you need or you won’t get it, but always ask. This is a good example of a bright kid who asked for what he deserved and recieved. Very heartening!


Did anyone get the financial aid offer?

We will begin sending financial aid offers (which may include merit and/or need-based financial aid) to our Early Action students beginning January 18, and continuing on a rolling basis through early February.

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Nothing here yet.

Yes my son just received this email but the link won’t open, says page not found. This is torture. Anyone else having problems opening it? We’ve checked on the iphone, ipad and laptop.

The Office of Student Financial Services would like to welcome you to the Fordham family! This guide (linked) prepared exclusively for you, details your financial aid offer and the benefits of a Fordham education.

We acknowledge the financial commitment of a college education. Use our Financing Your Fordham Education guide as well as Financing Fordham Online to assist you in understanding your aid package and to guide you through funding your Fordham experience.

Once you decide Fordham is the place for you and your deposit is processed, we invite you to accept or decline your aid.

You and your family should be proud of your achievements. We look forward to seeing you on campus.

The Office of Student Financial Services

login into Fordham financial aid portal.

Ok was able to access it. They offered $10K merit and $22,100 financial aid so $31,100 total. Also the normal allowance of $5500 federal loan but that has to be paid back. So our COA would be $43,800 which is our highest priced college so far (next highest is Case Western @$33K and most are in the mid to low $20K range, so much higher than the other offers.) They were less generous with merit than other schools but more generous with financial aid than any other. But still isn’t adding up to our comfort zone, especially since the financial aid isn’t guaranteed every year (we will have 2 in college for 2023/24 only so I’m afraid that the FA will decrease greatly.) Unless something changes drastically or I win the lottery, Fordham will be a hard no for us. It wasn’t at the top of my son’s list, mainly because we haven’t visited yet, but we would have seriously considered if they were closer to our budget goals. I hope you all receive amazing packages to make Fordham a great option. Good luck!

Correction: I must have been using a COA from last year so the actual cost for us is $53,100 based on COA of $85,200 :open_mouth::weary:

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