Foreign language credit??

<p>My parents are from pakistan. i can speak urdu (pakistani language) somewhat decently. However i can speak english much better than urdu. I was wondering if i can take an urdu intro class or maybe even like an upper division urdu class to fill my requirements. the reason i was asking is because on the site when u register it says for non native speakers only. Although i am native i am not that good. and i would love to take an intro class because this would be a refresher and in a sence an easy A which i badly need. does any one have any experience in this. i am really trying to avoid the test because i would love to see an A on my transcript instead of just credit recieved.</p>

<p>That is why they don’t want native speakers in the intro classes. It is not meant to be an easy A or refresher course for you.</p>

<p>Talk to the South Asian dept undergraduate advisor. Tell that person your Urdu reading and writing skills are not as good as you would like them to be and that you want to take Urdu classes to fill your language requirement rather than just testing out of your foreign language requirement. See what that person recommends.</p>

<p>Or talk to Dr. Hyder, Associate Director, Hindi Urdu Flagship / Associate Professor, Dept of Asian Studies & Religious Studies / <a href=“”></a>


<p>They will want to help you, I am sure. Just because you can speak Urdu does not mean you will be forbidden to take Urdu at UT, I am sure. You will be able to find a class that you will enjoy, that you can get an A in, and that you will learn something in. (First semester Urdu is probably not sensible unless you are illiterate in Urdu and the first semester class includes a lot of reading and writing.)</p>

<p>wow thanks for the awsome reply i will contact that person. i just wana make sure i can make an a lol although i do intend to improve my speaking skills. i cannot read or write in urdu but i can comprihend mostly.</p>