UC A-G Foreign Language Requirement

<p>The E requirement for getting into a UC is
“e - Language Other than English - 2 years required , 3 years recommended
Two years of the same language other than English.”</p>

<p>I’m wondering if that means 2 years of foreign language CREDIT are required and 3 years of foreign language CREDIT are recommended. Or does it mean just 2 years (level-wise…Spanish 2) required and 3 years (level-wise…Spanish 3 H) recommended.</p>

<p>The reason I’m asking is because I don’t really like Spanish, but I’m not bad at it. In 8th grade I took Spanish 1. Freshman year I took Spanish 2. Sophomore year I took Spanish 3. This year, Junior year, I signed up for Spanish 4 AP but dropped because I felt like I was overloaded. Now I’m signing up for Senior year classes. I’m taking the Chinese AP test this year (I’m ABC, so I’m not that great. ABC is American Born Chinese). I got all A’s in the 3 Spanish classes I took. My district doesn’t count that year of Spanish in middle school as high school credits. And my counselor said that the 3 years recommended for UCs means 3 years of classes taken in high school (of the same language). I’ve heard otherwise though. Some people say that it’s the level of class you took. So since I took Spanish 3, I would have 3 years of foreign language.
And if I do take Spanish next year, it would likely be Spanish 4 Regular since I really don’t like the AP teacher. (I had him for Spanish 3, and he got my name wrong the first day of school when I saw him for Spanish 4 AP) If I don’t take Spanish next year, I was planning to take something I’m more interested in…like computer science. I’m leaning more towards business when I go to college, but everyone in my family has knowledge in computer science, so I want to try it out. I don’t really see how important Spanish is when it comes to using it in the future. So why not just take something I’m interested in and challenges me?
I don’t know if this will affect anything, but my high school does have a comp sci class, but there likely won’t be enough people to open the class, so I’m probably going to take it in a local community college for credits.
Tips, Suggestions, Comments?
I’m aiming for a top tier UC (Berkeley, UCLA). My grades are pretty good. And I’m challenging myself (6 APs this year).