I’m a sophomore in high school. The.The foreign language requirement for most colleges in my state recommend at least 3+ years. I’m planning to take four, so I took a Spanish course over the summer last year at a community college (It was very expensive…). Due to an unreliable partner in the last project I received a B- in the class. I cannot afford to put another B on my transcript (I already have two) so I did not transfer the credit to my high school. I’m wondering what my other options are to fit in 4 years of language, skipping the course (Is it possible to get credit if I skip it?),mainly what are some affordable online Spanish courses?
For UC’s and CSU’s, you only need 3 years. For the elite schools, 4 years looks better. You should be fine for the California schools. You cannot just erase the CCC class from your record. You will be expected to submit transcripts from all schools attended including the CCC. If you take the AP Spanish exam, this should fufill your 4th year of a language. I would check with your counselor regarding your CCC class.
What level of college Spanish was this course? In California, the usual approximate correspondences in common European languages are:
college semester 1 = AP score 2 = HS year 2 or 3
college semester 2 = AP score 3 = HS year 3 or 4
college semester 3 = AP score 4 or 5 = HS year 4 or 5
college semester 4 = AP score 5 (sometimes)
You can use http://doorways.ucop.edu to check what a California community college Spanish course is equivalent to in high school level.