Forgot to send highschool transcripts

<p>I'm a total idiot, I know. The deadline is tomorrow and I realized that they required my high school transcript (they being Caltech). I sent in my college transcripts on time but spaced out on my high school. Should I even submit my application now (I still have some parts to complete)? Is there any possibility that they would accept me even after the deadline? Has this ever happened to anyone?</p>

<p>It’s possible.</p>

<p>I knew my chances were slim beforehand. But now… I mean. I’ll give them a call Monday and see what I can do.</p>

<p>most schools spend days or weeks after the deadline sorting through all the transcripts, scores, and applications that they receive and placing them into files, so i don’t think your doomed. go in first thing monday morning to your hs, or if your not going to college near your hs, have your parents go, or if your parents can’t go, call them and explain your situation and get your transcripts sent out asap.</p>

<p>No problem. Just have them sent out asap. Have the hs send them directly. Schools do not expect all of your materials to arrive by the deadline… just your own app and your $$ ;).</p>

<p>The other stuff trickles in - recs, scores, transcripts.</p>

<p>You don’t really need to call CalTech, if that’s who you’re planning to call on Monday. But you can if it will reassure you.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. Be happy.</p>

<p>The other thing is that even if it were to arrive late, they would assume your high school was slow, not you.</p>

<p>I’m going to my high school Tuesday. Is it a better idea for me to send it myself and rush deliver it or have the school send it out?</p>

<p>Personally, I would deliver it myself just so I knew for sure it was sent.</p>

<p>i think most colleges are only going to accept transcripts sent by your school. right, anybody?</p>

<p>I think that they would probably accept if the student mailed them, so long as in a sealed envelope with signature across seal. But I think it is better, especially in this instance, to have the hs send.</p>

<p>As I had mentioned, schools expect ancillary materials to trickle in as they are coming from a source other than the student himself - prof, CBoard, hs, first college. So coming from the hs, the U will not question at all that it came in after the “deadline.”</p>

<p>It is absolutely normal to worry whether items got to the Admissions Office. We all did it/do it (with varying degrees of obsession, lol). But many schools have an online system for checking what has been received, or an email alert to you if something is missing. And all will check for you and let you know what is missing if you call. However, wait quite a while to do this. Because, as dufflebag has said (I think on this thread, maybe another), they take quite a while to sort through and process application materials.</p>

<p>Alright I’ll have them send it out. It shouldn’t take that long since they’re in the same county. Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>You could ask your high school to fax your transcript to Cal Tech and let Cal Tech know that the hard copies are coming. D’s school was late with mid-year grades and she asked her GC to do this. Also emailed admissions to let them know.</p>