
I am currently a freshmen undergrad with the intent of going to law school down the road. I’ve heard that it really helps to get into a good fraternity. Is there any truth to this? Like, is this something I should be looking into?

Nope. Grades and LSAT are about 98% of the equation.

Law schools do not care about your frat. I doubt anyone else will either.

Thanks guys.

Being in a good fraternity might help you develop business in the future once you’re a lawyer, since school alumni networks can be very helpful, but time spent on fraternity activities in college certainly wouldn’t help admission to law school–anything that negatively impacts GPA would hurt you.

Being in a fraternity will not help you get into law school. I was in a fraternity that happened to have a lot of guys in law school. Many remained fairly active in the chapter, although they didn’t have to pay active dues. Having the older guys around provided a certain amount of stability to the chapter, and it was kind of nice having six or eight fraternity brothers in law school.

Sometimes a fraternity brother might be able to provide you with some advice insofar as what classes to take or what not to do. They don’t have the market cornered on advice, though, but you are just better able to judge how good their advice is since you will know them better.