<p>I need help on my final list!
My stuff:
SAT 1580
SAT 2: 800 Writing, 770 Math 2c, 730 US History, 700 French, 710 Chinese, 710 Bio M
GPA: 3.86 uw (grade wise, i'm probably top 6 students out of 360 students, my school was ranked 4th last year in the state)
AP: school doesn't encourage lots of AP's, but I've taken all the ones i can and gotten 5's
EDItor in CHief of yearbook
French Club treasure, German club secretary
Speech and Debate- no office, but i have trophies
community service- coordinator of a shelter and community aids walk,
intern at State House, worked on DEmocratic NAt Convention, campaigned for Edwards, and then Kerry-Edwards
Cum Laude
<p>I applied ED to UPenn and EA to UChicago
Here are my RD schools:
maybe: Dartmouth, Wash U in St Lous</p>
<p>You will defenitely get into Umich and Tufts at the least. That is, unless Tufts wants to pull their "We know Tufts isnt your first choice, so FU" stuff. Should also be golden at NYU and Cornell.</p>
<p>What state do you live in? State school depending on your state
I also heard that University of Rochester is also very good with Int'l Relations</p>