Freaking out !

<p>Okay, so I will be attending Cal state Northridge in the fall and I originally intended to major in biochemistry and then apply to med school. However, I have changed my mind and would like to become a Nurse Practitioner. CSUN does not offer an entry level nursing program for undergraduates but does have a nursing program for those who have already obtained a bachelors degree in whatever field of their choice and have met the pre-reqs for the program. It is too late for me to change my mind about going to another school that offers an entry level nursing program. I want to know: am I able to major in biochemistry and meet the pre-reqs and then apply to the accelerated nursing program at CSUN (which has very, very high passing rates)?I know if I stay at CSUN it'll take more time and money but at this point I just want to know if it is possible. I was accepted to Azusa Pacific as well and even though they offer an entry level nursing program, it'll cost almost $100,000 more than CSUN, plus their passing rates are muchhhhh lower (I found this out after the deadline for tuitionand after I changed my mind about my major) If this isn't possible, should I transfer to another CSU that offers a entry level nursing program after my first year at CSUN? Is transferring to another CSU to major in nursing even possible? I'm just very lost on what to do.</p>

<p>Look up the nursing curriculum at your current university, so you can take as many required BSN classes now, in addition to the mandatory prerequisites. They probably won’t let you take any nursing classes now, but you can probably get many of the other classes out of the way.</p>

<p>Not to beat a drum you don’t want to hear, but keep in mind that many good Community Colleges have RN programs - the advantages are great to considering those. RN in two years, finish up at a BSN completion program that might be paid for while serving as a nurse somewhere. Little to no debt going into your Master’s degree…Just a friendly reminder from a fan of Community Colleges.</p>