Free Cookies!

<p>Now that I got your attention...Help me and I'll send you a cookie via email.</p>

<p>What do you think my chances are? How are my choices?</p>

<p>Location: Florida
College Class Year: 2012
High School: Public
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.96
GPA - Weighted: 4.58
Class Rank: top 5 students
Class Size: 500</p>

World History Honors - A/A
Biology Honors - A/A
Geometry - A/A
English I Honors - B/A
Tech Studies I - A/A
Intro to Info. Tech - A/A
Art 2D - A/A
Personal Fitness/LMS - A/A</p>

AP Euro - A/A, 4 on the exam
Alg II - A/A
Chemistry Honors - A/A
Eng II Honors - A/A
Journalism II&III AKA Yearbook - A/A & A/A</p>

<p>11th (I still don't have AP grades)
AP Calculus AB&BC - A/A & A/A
AP Chemistry - A/A
AP Environmental Science - A/A
AP English Language - A/A
AP Psychology - A/A
AP US History - A/A </p>

<p>12th (Planned)
AP Biology
AP Macro/Mirco Economics
AP English Literature
AP Physics B
Humanities I Honors - It's with my all time favorite teacher....
Calculus III & Differential Equations - Dual Enrollment </p>

<p>FLVS Classes
Personal Lifestyle Design - A
Web Design I - A/A
Spanish I - A/A
Latin I - A
Earth Science Honors - A (Only took the first semester)
Physics Honors - A/A
Spanish II - A (Only took first Semester)
Latin II - A/A
Web Design II - A/A
AP Art History - B/B (it was a hard class....)
AP US Government - Taking it soon
Latin III - Maybe still considering it
Marine Science - Maybe...</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 760
SAT I Critical Reading: 670
SAT I Writing: 650
ACT: 33
SAT II U.S. History: 760
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 730
SAT II Chemistry: 780</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Academic Team - 10,11(Team Capitan), 12
Envirothon - 10,11 (Team Capitan),12
Mock Trial - 9, 10
Chemistry Club- 10,11(President),
Mu Alpha Theta - 10,11 (Vice President),12 (President)
Leadership positions: Academic Team - Team Captain</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: School Plays -11, Acting</p>

<p>College Summer programs: Just been doing FLVS Classes (around 11 classes by application time)
and Community College (2-4 classes depending on my situation)</p>

<p>I'll be applying to:</p>


Carnegie Mellon (High Match)
John Hopkins
Georgia Tech(Low match/safety)</p>

UF (Instate)</p>

<p>How are my choices? (Just consider the fact that I will take the SATs and ACTs again.) </p>

<p>Do you have any other recommendations(I'm looking at schools with strong engineering programs [I already considered at: Caltech, UC-Berkley, Cooper Union, NCSU, Harvey Mudd, Rose-Hullman, RIT, UPittsburgh.])? Is there anything I could do to strengthen my application considerably? </p>


<p>well you did a good job of assessing your chances for yourself and i would say you are right on the money. your rank/gpa are outstanding with great SAT scores. Have you considered Rensselaer Poly Tech? it has a great program and with your stats im sure u could get in, though i think you have a great chance at CMU which has a better program. Stanford is hard to get into, but very very hard if you dont live in CALI. I'd consider Cornell to be a low reach, i think you have a decent shot there. If you wouldnt mind chancing me i would really appreciate it. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks and good luck! :)</p>

<p>You don't need to retake the ACT. A 33 is a great score and you don't need it to be higher to go anywhere. You can retake it if you want though =]. I would recommend against reporting your SAT. Just report the ACT + SAT2's. HYPSMIT will always be reaches for anyone.</p>

<p>Great rank/gpa, great test scores, decent/good ecs</p>

<p>MIT - Reach
Stanford - Reach
Cornell - High Match/Reach
Carnegie Mellon - High Match/Reach
Rice - Match
John Hopkins - Match/High Match
Georgia Tech - In with honors and money
UF - In with honors and money</p>

<p>Thanks, FYI When you report your SAT IIs they see your SAT I scores. I need to retake my ACTs because I only got a 6 on my writing, I was really sick during that portion...</p>

<p>you got a 6 and still a 33? well played, mi amigo</p>

<p>lol...the essay isn't factored into the Composite...(Thank god!)</p>


<p>*When you report your SAT IIs they see your SAT I scores. *</p>

<p>Oh, I never knew that. Thanks =]</p>

<p>Oh yea, I have taken the most rigorous class schedule possible...I have taken all the APs humanly possible except for AP World History - Freshmen only next year, AP Stats - Couldn't fit it in, AP Spanish - Not my best subject and I needed to be in at least Spanish 4, and AP French - I'm not in French class. I could take AP Computer Science AB at FLVS but I'm not really up for it. Also, AP Art History wasn't offered at my school so it's an extra class.</p>

<p>I think you have great grades, average test scores (for the schools you're applying to) and decent ECs. I think you have a good shot at all your schools save MIT and Stanford which are reaches. I say Cornell is a low reach to high match while JHU and Rice are high matches. CMU is a match and UF and Georgia Tech should be pretty easy. If you want a good shot at Stanford and MIT, I'd advise you retake the SAT. Also, the 730 on iic is sort of weak for MIT. Though, these schools are attainable but remember you don't stand a great shot. I'll pass on the free cookie, instead chance me at:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks, I just chanced you. :P</p>

<p>Hm.....I guess my free cookies title didn't get more views that others.</p>

<p>Okay so your ACT, GPA, and SAT IIs are all excellent. Your SAT I is good but I recommend sending in your ACT instead of it. MIT and Stanford will be the toughest and even though your scores are great nothing is a sure thing with those schools. Cornell, JHU, Rice, and CMU are all high matches, I'd say you'll get in to most of those. Your SAT II Math is a GREAT score but is probably not going to be above average at MIT, so if MIT is where you want to be you might consider retaking it.</p>

<p>Will you chance me at Rice? :)<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I don't hey what would draw people for free cookies.</p>


<p>Um..could you try making sense?</p>

<p>hey should be get. sorry for not looking over that. </p>

<p>I am saying why would you title it Free Cookies. I don't think anyone would come to a thread just because it was titled that. That is stupid</p>

<p>lol...hey it's not as bad as your grammar.</p>

<p>example? a typo is not grammar per say</p>



<p> tell me.</p>

<p>And it's per se not per say...</p>