<p>Gender: M
Location: Florida
College Class Year: 2012
High School: Public
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.90
GPA - Weighted: 4.60
Class Rank: 5th of 500ish</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 760
SAT I Critical Reading: 650
SAT I Writing: 550, Essay 11 (No I'm not joking...I just suck at the MC)
Retaking it in June, October and maybe November</p>
<p>SAT II U.S. History: 760
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 720 - Retaking again...spent too much time double checking
SAT II Chemistry: 780</p>
Euro - 4
11th (All predictions)
Calculus BC - 5
AB subscore - 5
Chemistry - 5 possibly 4
Psychology - 4,5
Environmental Science - 5
US History - 4,5
Art History - Passed, can't guess
English Language - 3...maybe 4
12th (Planned)
Physics B
American Government
English Literature
Statistics - Possibly...</p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars:
Academic Team - 10,11- Team Captain, 12
Envirothon - 10,11 - Team Captain, 12: 10&11 Won First place in Regionals
Mock Trial - 9, 10
Chemistry Club- 10,11- President
Mu Alpha Theta - 10,11-Vice President, 12-President</p>
<p>Volunteer/Service Work: School Plays, Acting total of 85 hours (Will do more after it starts again..)</p>
<p>College Summer programs:
FLVS(Online) Classes and Dual Enrollment at local community college</p>
<p>Ranked by preference. Each tier will contain only 2-3 schools before I actually apply. Eh, if they don't belong in the right tier please tell me or if they all belong in the same one because I suffer from some sort of delusion of grandeur please tell me. Oh, if you know of any other colleges I should consider please tell me...Thinking of being some sort engineering, one of the physical sciences or psychology(social or evolutionary) major...</p>
<p>Tier 1:
1. MIT
2. CalTech
3. Cornell
3. Stanford
3. Olin</p>
<p>Tier 2
6. Cooper
6. UC- Berkley
6 Georgia Tech
6. Carnegie Mellon </p>
<p>Tier 3
10. Rollins
11. UF
12. FSU
13. UCF</p>
<p>Edit: Um..for some reason people have been adding your race...I'm Chinese...(if it'll hurt my chances should I just leave that box unchecked?)</p>