Free or inexpensive worthwhile summer programs?

<p>I am absolutely intent upon taking part in an academically-enriching and worthwhile summer program pertaining to history, the political sciences, law, or general leadership. However, whenever I look at the many "prestigious" programs offered, their hefty price tags of above a grand are always features that keep me from attending, as my parents simply cannot afford to send me to such a priced program at the time. The max that they can spend on a summer program is around $345.</p>

<p>So, does anyone know of any truly good and enriching summer programs focused on the aforementioned topic matter that are free, inexpensive, or have a really nice financial aid packages in or around PA? And that are still open for registration?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>If you’re a sophomore, you should definitely consider TASP next year. It’s prestigious and free. They will even compensate your family up to $500 if you usually hold a summer job.</p>

<p>I am a Sophomore, so I’ll definitely check that out and try to apply for next year. Thank you!</p>