I don’t know if there is already a list somewhere, maybe you can point me in the right direction. Do you know of any summer caps or summer programs at colleges that are either free or have merit-based scholarships? A friend of mine shared today that her 7th grade daughter got into what sounds like a wonderful STEM camp for girls at Stanford, so I thought it might be useful for parents of D22’s:
@SlackerMomMD, thanks, very helpful. I couldn’t see any scholarships listed for these programs, though, and for some the prices bite 
Your local science or nature museums may have summer programming, some of which may offer need-based scholarships. For our family, the middle school opportunities that were free or merit-based were non-existent. If your kid does CTD, if they score high enough on tests, they may “earn” a free course. Some other programs based at colleges / universities may have scholarship opportunities, but these tend to be very local in nature.
Oh, sorry! I used to go to the website of Thomas Jefferson High School in Northern Virginia and look for their listing of summer programs (which included free ones and ones with stipends) but they seemed to have moved it. You can try Googling “TJHSST + summer programs”
@Wien2NC, thank you so much! Definitely making a note of this one!
@Wien2NC, awesome, thanks!