<p>We can only have two free periods at my school, but hardly anyone has more than one because our school has an 8-period day and most people want to take electives. It's worse for seniors, though, who end up taking joke classes like ornithology to fill up their schedules. Free periods aren't that great of an alternative, however. We have to go to study hall (even if it's last period and you're a senoir with a perfect GPA and a car in the parking lot.)</p>
<p>I had 4 free periods today. I only have 4 classes now because my french class doesn't meet since we've taken the AP. So yeah it was really boring but I got all my homework done and I even tutored 4 freshmen for their final exams. I love easygoing days like this.</p>
<p>we have free periods (study halls) all four years basically because gym is only 2 days a week. There are kids in my school who only take the min. number of classes and come to school for english and gym only.</p>
<p>We have six classes a day. Juniors and seniors can take one free period where they can do anything they want (leave campus, etc), or two free periods if you're taking four AP classes.</p>
<p>Juniors and seniors at my school can have a maximum of 2 free periods. Either 1st and 6th, or 5th and 6th.</p>