<p>I was offered free tuition at cal. lutheran university, and living at home, since it's sooo close to my house, I would graduate with literally NO DEBT.
The school I really want to go to, however, is UCSB, but it would be extremely expensive.
What would you do in my situation?<br>
I hope to go on to med school, and since cal lutheran isn't as well known, I hope this doesn't hurt my chances of being accepted whereas going to ucsb.</p>
<p>although no problems is an awesome idea, some good things take money etc.</p>
<p>UCSB has an amazing academic program as you would know and it is going to cost you.
Also i think its good to live outside of the house (not only to get away from your parents for time to time XD) but to grow and mature as a person. that is exactly what college is all about. learning and finding about yourself.</p>
<p>But if yous till want to go to cal luth, go for it!
i have actually heard of that school and good things about it.</p>
<p>Extremely expensive can be a real problem if you have to go into debt to finance it.</p>
<p>Thank you for the responses. I’m new to college confidential, and Bob, wow, I’m surprised you’ve heard of Cal Luth!!</p>
<p>People get into medical school every single year from colleges and universities across the country that you and I together have never heard of. Medical school admissions is based on your overall GPA, your GPA in the pre-med sequence, your MCAT scores, and your letters of recommendation. Medical school is also obscenely expensive. To the tune of $200k+ that you will most likely have to take out in loans as there is almost no financial aid available unless you commit yourself to military service. There are plenty of working physicians out there right now who have not yet paid off their college and med school loans whose own kids are trying to pay for their college educations.</p>
<p>You are not the first student who has ever had to make this kind of decision, and you won’t be the last (especially in the current economy). I would say go to Cal Lutheran because of the money.</p>
<p>To get a sense of just how long it would take you to pay off a combined college and med school debt in the range of $200k, run one of the loan repayment calculators at [FinAid</a>! Financial Aid, College Scholarships and Student Loans](<a href=“http://www.finaid.org%5DFinAid”>http://www.finaid.org) To get an idea of how well Cal Lutheran graduates do in medical admissions, pick up the phone and call their pre-med advisor. For more ideas on medical school admission in general, visit the medical school forum here at CC - click on “Discussion Home” in the upper left of this screen, and then scroll down until you find it.</p>
<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>
<p>I know a number of kids who went to a UC for graduate or prof school after going to a small private undergrad college. And you’ll be getting the benefit of free tuition along with more personal smaller classes.</p>