Free Tutoring (Offered by TBP)

<p>Hey all, just wanted to let you know that starting tomorrow, Tau Beta Pi will be offering tutoring for the subjects in the link below:</p>

<p>TBP</a> › Tutoring</p>

<p>Look for which class you may need help in, and feel free to stop by and ask for help.</p>

<p>The tutoring room location is 6266 Boelter Hall</p>

<p>do i have to be in that exact class that is being tutored? cuz i need tutoring for math 3b and this is just about the only free thing i could find besides aap and covel.</p>

<p>nvm read ur other post ^^</p>

<p>Also … send questions 24 hours in advance?</p>

<p>Hey China … does tutoring count as one of the 3 events per quarter?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Boelter.</p>

<p>This quarter, we’ll be implementing a homework bank to help students with any specific questions they have. Here’s a quick blurb:</p>

<p>“If you need help on specific homework problems, feel free to send them to us!
The email address is: <a href="”></a>. Please send your homework problems 24 hours in advance before you come in, so that a TBP-certified tutor can look at it first and be more prepared to help you once you do come in!"</p>

<p>Otherwise, if you have any questions regarding general concepts, feel free to stop by.</p>

<p>@Boelter: I’ll get back to you on that :)</p>

<p>gmargos : no, you don’t have to be in anybody’s exact class. TBP, which is an engineering honors society, is offering tutoring in the subject areas, and we are less restrictive than AAP or Covel. </p>

<p>Take advantage of the help because : </p>

<p>1) We don’t get paid to tutor, but we put in as much effort as possible to help in the South Campus courses
2) This quarter, we tutor in a lot of lower and upper division courses. Covel and AAP tutoring can only go so far…and we don’t require you to sign up for anything. Just walk in the door at the posted times for your subjects and ask for help.
3) It’s FREE, Mon-Fri, on the hours/courses posted on the website. There will be people who will come to classes and pass out fliers with the schedules/room/and subject areas as well.
4) We have an email system in which you can submit specific problems before you come in, so that we have time to work on them and so you get the maximum amount of help when you come in to get one-on-one help. The email address is : <a href=""></a>. You can email us the problem and then come in the next day to go over the answer.</p>

<p>Since TBP is made up of the top 3rd/4th year engineering students on campus, you can trust TBP tutoring to be efficient and helpful!</p>


<p>haha who is this… and most of the things you stated, i had already mentioned k thanksss</p>

<p>Probably just wanted to let everyone know he/she was in TBP …</p>

<p>Hey Boelter, ever think about running for officer?</p>

<p>pituoe is just being trying to be helpful</p>

<p>oh this is gonna be helpful :smiley: i need help on cs 31, do i need to send in the project specs 24 hours in advance or can i just bring my code for you guys to look over?</p>

<p>are any of the tutors cute?</p>



<p>If you need help with pseudocode or how to approach the problem, please do send the spec to us. Otherwise, if you need help with simple debugging, coming in with your code will be fine.</p>


Yes. Fridays @ 12-2pm</p>


fine…i’m still curious to as who he/she is hehehehe</p>

<p>oh cool thanks, yeah debugging is my main problem i guess… none of my cs major friends wants to help me with that lol</p>



<p>Tutoring 1 hour per week through weeks 4-9 will count as 3 events.</p>

<p>Debugging is usually the most annoying and frustrating process but the most common problem for people need to “ask for help” … CS is hard to tutor … haha have fun TBP officers =P</p>

<p>@ China, yeah I thought about officer … maybe next year =P</p>