I’m a sophomore in French I (took 1 semester of Spanish year but dropped it after 1 semester-- felt too suffocated in the classroom and developed an interest in French culture) and so far the class is super easy! We spent 5 weeks learning things that I could master in like 5 hours!
Since Cornell is my dream school and I need to be at the top of my class, not being able to be in AP French IV puts me at a disadvantage (some kids are even in French V!!!)
Our school accepts credits taken online and recently I found an online French II course that is similar to the course we have at school (same textbook). It costs about $100 per semester and since it’s an online class, it doesn’t count towards my GPA… I just need to pass!
Also this summer my family and I are visiting France for about 10 days and I plan on taking a French Immersion summer program so there are plenty of times for me to put my French in use!
Do you think it’s a good idea for my to take French II online? Though my schedule is pretty tight, I think I’ll have enough time to fit it in… especially because I’m extremely interested in French art, architecuture, food and fashion. Also French III is a pre-Ap course so if I don’t master French II, would I fall behind?
What do you think?