French II Online?

I’m a sophomore in French I (took 1 semester of Spanish year but dropped it after 1 semester-- felt too suffocated in the classroom and developed an interest in French culture) and so far the class is super easy! We spent 5 weeks learning things that I could master in like 5 hours!

Since Cornell is my dream school and I need to be at the top of my class, not being able to be in AP French IV puts me at a disadvantage (some kids are even in French V!!!)

Our school accepts credits taken online and recently I found an online French II course that is similar to the course we have at school (same textbook). It costs about $100 per semester and since it’s an online class, it doesn’t count towards my GPA… I just need to pass!

Also this summer my family and I are visiting France for about 10 days and I plan on taking a French Immersion summer program so there are plenty of times for me to put my French in use!

Do you think it’s a good idea for my to take French II online? Though my schedule is pretty tight, I think I’ll have enough time to fit it in… especially because I’m extremely interested in French art, architecuture, food and fashion. Also French III is a pre-Ap course so if I don’t master French II, would I fall behind?

What do you think?

Honestly,10 days aren’t nearly enough for French immersion. However, taking French ll online is totally doable for self motivated students.

You’ll be taking French II online simultaneously with the second semester of French I at school? If the online course is self-paced, I’d ask for a placement test and start where they put you, moving faster to get through all the material.

Alternatively, the summer immersion program (not the vacation) may get you far enough to place into French III without the need for an online class. Concordia Language Village’s high school credit session is intended to get you placement into the next year, and some very determined kids can test out of two years of language after it.