Freshman Daughter lost wallet, everything in it

<p>this is the update i wanted to see.</p>

<p>Great news! </p>

<p>Two years ago I left my purse in a dressing room in the University Mall in T-town. (I don’t usually carry a purse.) I didn’t realize where I left it until I wanted to take a photo of the beautiful sunset outside of the Mall. Went back to the store and they returned my purse with the contents untouched. I was so relieved. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>So glad she got her wallet back. I know I am passing this info to my daughter and will have her scan all wallet contents tomorrow. I will also advise her, as other posters have suggested, carry only your card, a few dollars.</p>

<p>Last year my best friend lost her wallet and was so worried, called mom and dad to cancel the credit cards, etc… 2 hours later she got a phone call from a nice boy saying he found it on the Quad and had been searching for her on Facebook. RTR</p>

<p>My mom used to call it Mad Money. Always have enough for a cab ride if your date dumps you on the side of the road because you won’t give out.</p>

<p>God, I’m old.</p>

<p>I was always told to have enough money to call home. Think it was only a .25 the last time I saw one of those ancient things that used to be on the side of the road and every gas station parking lot you could make phone calls from.</p>

<p>I am glad to hear your daughter’s wallet was returned. My son lost his wallet at a band get together and never got it back. We are still working on getting everything replaced. Very disheartening.</p>