Freshman Daughter lost wallet, everything in it

<p>My daughter just called to say she either lost or had her wallet stolen ( DL, ID, Action Card, credit cards, cash) last night at a party… Anyone have a clue how to go about getting an out of state (Georgia) license replaced w/o her being here? Ugh…</p>

<p>Ok, big huge breath. Aside from the obvious precautions, like stopping ACT and credit cards, unless she needs the license immediately, there is a high probability that this wallet will turn up. If you do need to replace your license, you contact your DMV (not sure what it is called in Georgia?) and they can help you. They have her photo on file and her signature, etc., so it not a problem (or shouldn’t be) to get a replacement sent. But I would hold off on doing this. See this thread for help: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Looks like you can use their online services? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Look up the info through Georgias state license bureau. This happened to my D at a formal in NOLA. 6 purses picked. It was a hassle from Ohio. But maybe she can pop over to the state line and get a new DL.</p>

<p>Action Card you just have to pay $25 bucks I think. </p>

<p>She should check w campus police and Tuscaloosa just to make sure they weren’t turned in. If it happened at a greek function she should post on their facebook page.</p>

<p>Thank you! </p>

<p>I was surprised she actually she actually thought to contact campus police and did post on the fraternity fb page. I will look up DMV info, and did cancel cards…</p>

<p>Life lesson…when you go out, take your ID, 20 bucks, and lip gloss!</p>

<p>Just sent my D a text telling her to leave her DL and debit card at home when she is out even to classes. Surprised she even responded back that she already does and only takes her ACT and a few $ on her. </p>

<p>Prayers that it turns up.</p>

<p>My D lost her debit card and ACT card all in one day, last year. It happened to be the day she left for a formal in Nola! Of course I freaked out at the thought of my D in Nola with no funds…especially since at the previous Nola formal a couple of weeks before, she had her cell phone “stolen”. I did find that Western Union works pretty quickly, even though in the process it froze my credit and debit cards due to the fraud alerts that the card companies places when it sees Western Union coming through! Luckily her date was so sweet and refused to let her pay for anything. What a wreck I was THAT weekend…can we please stop with the out of town formals???</p>

<p>To replace your license online in GA you need to know the “issue date”. Then you make an account online. It comes in a couple of weeks. My mom just had to get hers replaced. Hopefully your daughter made a copy of her license (and passport and everything else important before she left…).</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the tips…just sent a text to DD asking her to text me a copy of her DL just in case. Not looking forward to out of town formals.</p>

<p>We put everything in DDs wallet on the copier and documented everything…both sides. Helps in situations like this.</p>

<p>We had DD take a photo of everything. Insurance cards, passport, DL, debit card, etc. and send the photos to us in hopes that it makes recreating them easier when/if she loses them. She only keeps the insurance card photo on her phone in case the phone disappears, too!</p>

<p>I have always insisted that my kids open a small account at a credit union or bank on/near their campus - because of lost wallet syndrome. I want them to always be able to walk into a branch get money on their signature if they have lost all their cards. This won’t help with the DL, but it can take several days to replace debit cards.</p>

<p>Update! After posting on the fraternity fb page, my daughter got a message her wallet had been found. She walked over to pick it up today. Very nice boy gave it back to her. Not one penny missing! ( and she had unwisely had all the cash in it my husband had slipped her before we left) … </p>

<p>Restored my faith in humanity! </p>

<p>and fraternity boys…lol</p>

<p>Wow… Roll Tide Roll</p>

<p>Alicia, glad everything worked out for your daughter. Nice to hear that there are honest people in the world…or at least on the UA campus! Roll Tide!</p>


<p>So glad to hear it was found, turned in, and no items missing.</p>

<p>Yes, restores faith in humanity :slight_smile:
Roll Tide</p>

<p>Wow! That is awesome. Good karma to the boy who found it and returned it.</p>

<p>While this trustworthiness could happen anywhere…this is a reminder that we are at UA and UA students are awesome, and yes, this restores faith in a lot of things. This happened to my S last year, and I remember feeling unbelievably good about UA after his wallet was returned intact. I just had a feeling this goodness would happen again. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Yeah! Roll Tide! So glad to see a happy ending.</p>

<p>Glad everything worked out for your DD - and am greatly reassured about the kindness and honesty of kids at UA. </p>

<p>We had our DD make copies of everything and put them into files she keeps in her room. We also have a set of copies here in the safe just in case…</p>