Lost & found

<p>S lost wallet during snowstorm etc… No charges yet on cards… he has looked in suite and asked around- called University police- any other suggestions… read that each building has a lost & found- wouldn’t someone try and call/email him if they found it? has nothing much in it… plan to head down Tuesday to get him a new DL if no luck by then…</p>

<p>Did he go on the Crimson Ride? If so, call their office. My son dropped his wallet on it once and they had it. </p>

<p>Also…(I know this is obvious, but we’re talking about kids)…if this was during the storm, was he wearing a jacket? Did he check his jacket pockets?)</p>

<p>If his Action Card was in there, he needs to contact the office to put a stop on that, because that particular card anyone can use at vending machines, etc, and if someone is stupid enough to use it, the office can track to find out who has it. <a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/introduction/supportprograms/actioncard/”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/introduction/supportprograms/actioncard/&lt;/a&gt;. There is a $25 fee to replace the Action Card, but if you report it missing, get a TEMPORARY card for a few days (i.e., not replacement card yet), and then later if he finds the card, they will rescind the fee. Once you replace the card, the fee will show up on your student’s mybama account as owing.</p>

<p>With the snow melting (is it melting?!, <she says=“” from=“” chicagoland,=“” w=“” snow=“” piling=“” up=“” thick=“” and=“” fast=“” as=“” she=“” writes=“”>), I would hold out hope that it will be found. Good luck!</she></p>

<p>there shouldn’t be any snow left on campus, except maybe tiny bits in very shady spots.</p>

<p>thanks- he has backtracked and went to last place that he used it- was lost walking home from Strip- still NO charges -I keep thinking it is in his room but he cleaned up- I told him to check ALL pockets- plan to take him Tuesday to get a new DL- bet it turns up the day we replace it all… </p>

<p>Frequently, when H and sons can’t find their wallets, it’s often because they wrongly remember what they were wearing and check the wrong pants pockets.</p>

<p>Did he go thru his backpack thoroughly? Gym bag? Often when something like this happens they’ll find it in an odd spot and then remember that -in a hurry - they stuck it there instead of the right place. </p>

<p>Also have him go thru this sheets/blankets and look on the other sides of his bed.</p>

<p>What was outcome of this loss, please, hlsess? What advice can you give to others to prevent a loss, or how to recover from it?</p>

<p>it was not found- he asked at lobby desk of dorm, backtracked steps, called university police several times and Publix b/c he lost it walking back near there-No charges were ever made… and it was never in his room b/c he said he couldn’t get in dorm so maybe it was somehow tossed in trash…</p>

<p>“maybe it was somehow tossed in trash…”</p>

<p>Yes, that happens. Sometimes people will put a wallet on a food tray and then dump the tray’s contents into a trash can.</p>

<p>I know someone who did that with a camera.</p>

<p>One thing we’ve “tried” to get thru to our boys and that’s not to put valuables into slippery gym shorts pockets. I with they had zippered pockets!</p>

<p>Another thing that I’ve “tried” to train our boys is to “look back” when you get up to leave somewhere to see if you’re leaving anything behind (pkg, backpack, jacket, etc)</p>