Freshman Dorms

I applied RD and have been looking at the different residence halls available. Is there a particular hall that’s best for freshman? I’d like to be on Foggy Bottom. I’m also not into partying and am pretty shy and introverted. From what I’ve read on the website, I like Madison, Potomac, and Lafayette. However, since I’m so quiet it can be hard for me to make friends. I don’t know if it’d be better if I were in Thurston or someplace that’s more like the “freshman dorm experience” with a bunch of other freshmen. Is it harder to make friends in the smaller dorms? I think my biggest fear is that I’ll be in Thurston with a quad or more… I’d be miserable. Any suggestions/tips?

Questions on freshman housing are very common and you can find lots of information here if you use the ‘Search Forum’ at the top. With that said, there’s no “best” hall. Each one has something special it offers, so it’s all about knowing yourself and what’s more important. Some factors to consider:

Foggy Bottom vs. Mount Vernon (the Vern)
Old vs. New
No roommates/a few/many
Distance from academic buildings
Distance from food
Social activity (this can vary quite a bit from year to year with the exception of Mitchell and Thurston)

You already mentioned you’d rather be on Foggy and that you’re an introvert. Madison, Potomac, and Lafayette would be great choices. Keep in mind, however, that it’s a lottery system and there’s no guarantee you won’t end-up in Thurston or on the Vern. As far as the “freshman dorm experience,” I think you’ll get that anywhere but Mitchell, where the single rooms make it harder to overcome the social separation. ANY of the other dorms, though, and you won’t have any issues meeting people. It’s incredibly common for students to leave their doors open the first couple weeks to encourage hallmates to pop-in and chat. That, and new students are naturally chatty, anyway.

Hope this helps. And good luck on your RD application :slight_smile: