freshman first semester courses/should i change majors?

<p>I'm signed up for Communications right now and I already chose my orientation dates and planned everything out with my roommate who will be going to the same one and arranged travel stuff with my family, etc. I'm not interested in Communications though and would rather be majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management...but if I were to change my major right now I might have to change orientation dates which I really don't want to do. </p>

<p>So my question is, what are the typical courses that a freshman takes first semester and would it really be worth it to change my major right now before I sign up for classes? Or are most of the classes you take your first semester just like typical freshman 101 courses? If they are, it would probably be OK to wait until school actually started to change my major, right? I just don't want to not change my major now and then end up having to take an Intro to HTM class my sophomore year when I could just take it now. Please let me know what you think, any advice is really appreciated!!</p>