Freshman forum

<p>Anyone familiar with the selection process for the Freshman Forum? Does everyone applying get an interview, how many do they select, and are they notified by email? </p>

<p>I was in Freshman Forum last year.
Interview: Not sure if everyone who applied got an interview, but I thought the interview was easy
Notification: everyone who was accepted in Freshman Forum found out by reading the Crimson White (Our names were listed in the paper)</p>

<p>I didn’t really enjoy Freshman Forum though…</p>

<p>Oh no! What about it didn’t you like? Was it too time consuming? </p>

<p>No, it wasn’t time consuming. (I actually thought it was a waste of time, just my opinion) We were supposed to learn leadership skills, that didn’t happen. The particular group I was in during FF was a mentoring group. We didn’t mentor anyone.
It was a bit disappointing, but it looks nice on a resume. Don’t let my experience deter you from applying to FF! I’m pretty sure it’s gotten better this year</p>

<p>Thanks for your feedback. Hopefully things are different this year based in the feedback from those last year. It would be a shame if it’s another waste of time. </p>