Freshman housing

While we patiently wait on EA decisions, I decided to take a closer look at the housing portion of the UMiami website. I had read in a different thread that the prices were going up. I noticed the price to live in Hecht is going up almost $500 a year. The other thing that I noticed is that Stanford is not listed under housing pricing for 20-21…are they closing it? remodeling? will there be enough freshman housing with out. Or is it not being listed a mistake or something else?

Dug I little deeper, it appears they are tearing down Stanford to build new Centennial Village…just worries me about will there be enough Freshman housing?

Correct, Stanford is being torn down. Freshmen will live in Hecht or Mahoney Pearson. The new housing Centennial Village will not be ready for any incoming freshmen to live there as freshmen. The newest housing that is opening this Fall (Fall 2020) is the Lakeside Village and will be primarily sophmores - if you can afford to live there. The cost of this new housing is much higher than what was previously available for sophmores and upperclassmen to live in. Many students move off campus after freshman year and I think even more will now with the exorbitant cost to live on campus. Keep in mind many of the rooms/suites in the new Lakeside Village will require that the student has a meal plan, so that is an added cost on top of housing.

I share your concern about housing. I guess not concern because it does not directly involve me, but if I were to guess there will be some unhappy freshmen housing arrangements next year. For all the hate they get, the towers are terrific for making friends. I met all my close friends from my floor freshmen year. Hecht has a nicer lobby and apparently for partygoers, so some people in Stanford my year were disappointed. Imagine how they will feel in Mahoney Pearson next year. The sophomore dorms are a much less communal vibe and I would imagine it would be much tougher making friends. UM is doing well trying to address the lack of on campus housing, but I’m not sure they realize how many students fit in that tower. Mahoney Pearson can’t cover that + sophomores and juniors.

@princeofhappy aren’t sophomores and juniors going to be mostly in the new apartment/dorm Lakeside Village?

@HHuntforCollege so it isn’t completely clear yet actually. My friends (rising Juniors next year) want to live in the new dorms, Lakeside Village, as you mentioned. But, since they are destroying the Stanford tower (which includes 2 towers of housing), I cannot imagine how they will fit everyone. Basically, the way I understand it is that either there will be misplaced freshmen or sophomores or juniors. There will be one grade that draws the short end of the stick so to speak because they are losing 2 towers of housing next year. I assumed it would be freshmen because of seniority, but I could be mistaken on that

D is a current sophmore- the new Lakeside Village is primarily for rising sophmores (next year’s sophmores/ this years freshmen) because they are not elligible to live in the University Village (on campus apartments) as you must have 60 credits in order to move into the UV apartments. Therefore the new housing (Lakeside Village) is primarly for rising sophmores. Other housing options for rising sophmores, rising juniors, and rising seniors is Eaton and and then UV for those who have at least 60 credits by the end of the spring semester. Many students will move off campus because 1. there is not enough housing for them ,and 2. the housing that is available is very pricey (new Lakeside Village spaces are much more expensive than Mahoney Pearson was for sophmores so some students will not be able to pay this much) or they don’t want to live in Eaton- older dorm. The incoming Freshmen will live in Hecht (towers) or in Mahoney / Pearson. From what I understand from Housing and Residential LIfe sophmores will no longer live in Mahoney Pearson, as this will now house Freshmen to make up for tearing down Stanford towers.