<p>Hi. I'm starting at Georgia Tech this fall as an INTA major. (I knownot the typical major at an engineering school, but Tech's got a great program.) Anyway, I was wondering when I should start trying to plan out my schedule for first semester. I'm not sure to what extent FASET does your planning for you, and I've talked to some other people who already have an idea of what classes they're going to take. Am I behind because I have no idea?</p>
<p>They should have prepared a schedule for you prior to FASET, otherwise you can get them assigned/modified during FASET.</p>
<p>Your first semester is usually "cookie-cutter" like, just your basic classes like CS, Calc, Chem, Physics, some elective, English, etc. </p>
<p>Don't worry too much about choosing the classes so much as the time slots you have them at.</p>