Freshman scholarships

<p>Son 2 is looking at Alabama. He’s a jr. He is shooting for some good test scores for the oos scholarships. He is planning to major in computer science. I know the college of eng bumps up the scholarship if the 2/3 tuition one is earned. His first sat was 1260 m/cr so he is not there yet. He takes it again sat. His cum act was 28’ but the math was 33. Does that math score count for anything, or is it always the averaged score? Husband is leaving to pick up son 1 from Alabama tomorrow. :)</p>

<p>Those scores get him in state tuition at osu (ok), but he likes Alabama better. We live in north Texas.</p>

<p>Individual section scores don’t count. The composite is what counts. Since your son is strong in Math, have him take the SAT as well. Sometimes it’s easier to get the needed M+CR.</p>

<p>Those scores get him in state tuition at osu (ok), but he likes Alabama better…</p>

<p>Well, of course he does. ;)</p>

<p>need to retake SAT or ACT to get to 30 (idk what the SAT cutoff is). full tuition at UA is better than instate tuition at OSU.</p>

<p>we have a friend that goes to OSU and he <strong>loves</strong> it!</p>

<p>the M+CR for 2/3 tuition is 1330. Eng’g bumps it to full tuition. </p>

<p>However, keep in mind that next year’s scholarships have not been announced yet. Fingers crossed that nothing changes.</p>

<p>Hi m2ck,
When will they announce next year’s scholarships?</p>

<p>I think they announce them around June…before the July app goes live.</p>

<p>You might want to contact Mary Spiegel at Bama and ask if she knows if there will be any changes. <a href=“”></a></p>


Same here. SAT was just below full OOS tuition but found out yesterday I got 32 ACT so really hoping that guidelines say the same</p>


<p>It seems like if there is a chance that they will change the scholarships, they really shouldn’t have them all spelled out so specifically on their website, don’t you think? I think someone looking into UA right now would reasonably assume that those scholarships will apply next year, since there is no indication on the website that these are subject to change. I sincerely hope they will not be changing them!</p>

<p>Lisa…I agree.</p>

<p>I will contact Mary Spiegel and find out if anything has been decided.</p>

<p>I look forward to hearing if anything has changed. My son has UA as his number 1 choice and qualifies for a presidential scholarship as of now.</p>

<p>Ok, I have a question. If my DD is a Sophmore with a GPA that is below a 3.0 and she happens to do very well on the SAT is there any hope for her to get any kind of scholarship. Even if she gets her act together it is unlikely she can bring it up to the required 3.5. It is so sad that she has already ruined her chances. She wants to major in mechanical engineering. I have no idea if she will even like UA, but she will see it when we go to Bama Bound.</p>

<p>Is that a weighted or unweighted GPA? Alabama uses the highest GPA shown on the transcript. If her school doesn’t weight, I think they’ll accept a notation from the guidance counselor of what the GPA would be with weighting. My understanding is that even if a student doesn’t qualify for the guaranteed scholarships, there could be other scholarships available (departmental, etc.).</p>


<p>Is your D taking any APs next year? If so, does her school weight those classes? Weighted classes, especially APs, can boost a GPA.</p>

<p>Also tell her to try to get the best GPA she can for the end of this school year.</p>

<p>I wonder is she could boost her GPA with an online class or two as well.</p>

<p>My sophomore daughter did the same thing. I think she’s rebelling against having 2smart older brothers. It is so infuriating because she is just as smart but she has ruined her chances of having options for college. She loved alabama when we visited her brother and ashe attended the sibling bama bound. I hope your daughter turns things around!</p>

<p>My son just got back his last ACT and got a 33 composite. he also has 4.35 GPA. What can we expect as far as OOS scholarships? Should he take the test for a third time or are these scores good enough? Please advise.</p>

<p>Congrats, NJPEEPS! Your son has locked in the Presidential Scholarship: full, inflation-proof tuition for four years!</p>

<p>[Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Out-of-State”></p>

<p>Congratulations!! That is a great score and as malanai posted he just earned himself 4 years of FREE tuition. That’s a nice GUARANTEED scholarship worth $80,000+. </p>

<p>No reason for him to take the test again in regards to UA. Hopefully he can pick up a few private grants or scholarships to cover the room & board and you’ll be good to go.</p>

<p>We can always use a few more of “your kind” down here especially if you’re from the Cape May County area :-)</p>

<p>Congrats again and Roll Tide!!</p>


<p>What will your son be majoring in?</p>

<p>Is your son a potential NMSF?</p>

<p>the only reasons to test again is if he’s a NMSF and needs a SAT score…or…if he’s not in engineering, then if he gets an ACT 35 36, then he might get more money.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. Her GPA is unweighted. She hasn’t taken any honors classes. I was thinking of her going into honors Physics or Honors Chem 2 but they only have the AP Chem 2. I’m not sure they will let her take that if she isn’t coming from an honors class.</p>