<p>Thinking of enrolling into “Summer for Freshman” program. They have only a subset of the course offerings compared to enrolled students. I know, I know, I should chill; for now, I am just planning. So, any feedback is appreciated.</p>
<p>2 classes:</p>
<li>Math53 or Math54 - Opting out of Math1A/1B with AP Calc BC (5).</li>
<li>R&C OR AC Req</li>
<p>Some questions:</p>
<p>Q1: Any advice on which is the lighter to take between Math 53 or Math 54? I know I have to do both eventually.</p>
<p>Q2: For R & C first sem req, there aren’t too many choices - English N1A, South Asian R5A, & Rhetoric R1A. Between SA R5A and Rhetoric R1A, any suggestions, considering I am taking Math too? </p>
<p>Q3. Or should I take Anthro 3AC for P/NP (to finish AC req) and take RC during Fall? I hear RCs get full pretty quickly for Fall and we can’t enroll until Jun end.</p>
<p>Q4. Anyone know Slouber(SA 5A) or Napolin (Rh R1A)? There is no info on them on pickaprof.</p>
<p>Q5. Should the first & second RC reqs be taken as a series - R1A/R1B or can I take Rhetoric R1A and History of Art R1B to satisfy RC? History of Art R1A doesn’t seem to exist (at least for RC)</p>
<p>Q6. If Q4 answer is a yes, can I take 2nd sem req first (as long as there is no prereq) - like I take History of Art R1B in summer, and take Rhetoric R1A in Fall?</p>
<p>1) 2 classes in the summer will be okay. math 53 and 54 are comparable, it depends on what type of math person you are. in my opinion math 54 is easier, but some feel the other way around. math 53 is multivariable calculus, so it build off of calc bc in high school - might be a wise choice to go with this while it’s fresher on your mind.</p>
<p>2) any of the culture or language-centered ones, ie. asian-american, german, scandinavian, etc. (this means anything NOT in the rhetoric or english departments, as their grading is noticeably harder)</p>
<p>3) either way. anthro 3ac is a good intro class. might be good to save this for fall if, as an eecs, you are perverse to writing essays (more time in summer)</p>
<p>4) no idea</p>
<p>5) not required. for example, you can take german r1a combined with history of art r1b.</p>
<p>6) i think technically, you can this. i recall having a friend who did this. essentially the material in each semester does not build upon the previous semester, so you could. just make sure to ask your adviser first to make sure.</p>
<li><p>I felt that 53 and 54 are at the same difficulty level, but of course it depends on the professor. 53 is harder in computational complexity, but 54 is more abstract. Take the one you think you’re better at.</p></li>
<li><p>R1A classes are intense, especially English, Rhetoric, and Comp Lit. If you’re not a literature person, try to avoid these three.</p></li>
<li><p>Summer AC and Fall RC sounds like a better idea. AC classes are generally easier than RC.</p></li>
<li><p>No idea.</p></li>
<li><p>You can take any combination of R1A/B classes.</p></li>
<p>a. take Anthro R5B first in summer, followed by German R5A in the fall or
b. if I don’t take summer classes or dont get first sem course during Calso reg, take Anthro R5B in the fall, followed by German R5A in the fall (assuming they are offered, of course)</p>
<p>In other words, I could take any two classes in the two categories, as long as I meet pre-req or the course doesn’t have one, right?</p>