RC Class...again

<p>Im still utterly lost on which RC to take...Im leaning towards L&S R44 (Western Civilization) because it satisfies either half (I dont know my AP score yet so that perk helps) and also satisfies a breadth. Has anyone taken this class or know anything about it? or just recommend an interesting RC to take 1st sems.</p>

<p>I'm going to take it. It's fairly reading intensive. It satisfies many possible things. The profs are supposed to be pretty good, some say they are boring. It has a lot of reading! The one in the fall is about ancient times, Greece and Rome, I think the second, spring one is about early Christianity or something. Check out rhetoric, art history, and history.</p>

<p>What interests you?</p>

<p>what breadth does it fulfill?</p>

<p>My friend took this this past fall, and generally likes it. Like DRab said, it has a lot of reading. However, I think all R&C courses have relatively the same amount of reading and writing involved. It all comes down to whether or not you're interested in the subject.</p>

<p>LS R44 fulfills Historic and Arts/Lit, I think.</p>

<p>I think they tend to have a lot, but I hear this has more than average. It is five units, after all. But it satisfies historical or arts and literature or social and behavioral sciences and either half of the R and C.</p>

This course can be used to satisfy the Arts and Literature, Historical Studies, or Social and Behavioral Sciences breadth requirement in Letters and Science. It also fulfills either half of the Reading & Composition requirement.


<p><a href="http://collegecourses.berkeley.edu/courses/2005fall/44.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://collegecourses.berkeley.edu/courses/2005fall/44.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>And I wonder if engineers or others can get R and C and another credit for it, or whatever they need- I don't know.</p>