Freshman Year--- Am I taking to many classes?

Im taking 16 credits
Chem Intro = lecture, discussion, lab
Bio intro = lecture, discussion
philosophy = lecture
history = lecture, discussion
english = lecture

Just wanted to see your opinions because sometimes i feel overwhelmed. Also I wanted to ask how to stop this problem I have of taking too much time to write my essays and trying to be perfect all the time,

No not really.Im taking similiarish number of classes. I’m taking Bio 2, chem 2, precalc, freshmen comp 2, this stupid require class and a research class. But I also think it’s based on what college or university you are going to. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times too But you got to do what’s important and necessary in order to achieve your goals. I’m a freshmen too. Anyways, good luck!

Oh also if you have Essay OCD (like me, thats what I call it) I suggest you to ask some on else to proof read your draft instead of you going back at it and rereading it. It will help you save some time and also help you see other point of views that could actually help you strengthen your essay. I don’t know this is what I do. It helps me a lot and my professor kept telling me that my essay quality improved from the previous one I turned in. But eh it was just a suggestion.

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Chemistry and biology can be really tough. Having three reading /writing classes on top of those may be overwhelming indeed.
I’d drop philosophy or English and if you’re still in drop/add mode replace them by an art course. It won’t be an easy class bruit will require a different set of skills.

How does this ad up to 16 credits? I think I receive 5-7 credits a year…

The OP posted in the wrong forum (which I moved); s/he referring to freshman year of college, not HS.

It might be a bit much, depending on the subject matter. First semester has HUGE changes for the typical college student, no matter how bright they are. You’re away from your family and often in an unfamiliar town and state, you are the master of your own time which can be confusing. There are lots of distractions! I recommend taking it easy your first semester to give you a chance to get acclimated. You can always take a heavier load your second semester and later.

You can also visit the writing center at your school, maybe get some tips on more effective writing?