Freshman year...Double or single dorm?

<p>First, are the single dorms much more expensive? I'm specifically curious about Adams Hall.</p>

<p>Next, would you recommend a single or double dorm for a new freshman? I've heard double dorms are good for meeting people, but I would also like to get a solid GPA going in my first year, which would be easier to attain for me in a single room.</p>


<p>By now the dorm assignments for '07 have been made. Dorm prices are posted on the Res Halls Website- yes, a single will cost a lot more. A double need not have any effect on your gpa- it is how you, not your roommate, chooses to spend time. Don't worry, it will work, regardless of which room you get.</p>

<p>I didn't see a huge difference in price for the single rooms. It was only an additional $300-400...Does that seem correct?</p>

<p>Last year there was a $500 difference between a regular sized double and single, significant for many students. There are many different prices because some of the oldest and newest dorms have much different room sizes than the rest of the dorms.</p>